Minutes, Golden Boys’ Annual Meeting Wednesday, 3 March 2010

·        Call to order:  President Jim Cadieu welcomed the members and called the meeting to order at 8:20 AM
        Owner/Golf Pro Comments:
        Lyn Young briefed on the progress in upgrading the course.  He discussed the unusual cold winter and challenges with new greens and protection measures.  He indicated that a push would be made this year to improve sand traps and in some cases change to grass bunkers on the back nine of Creekside.  He explained why bathrooms were shut down during freezing periods to prevent in-wall pipes from bursting as happened at the Linkside half way house last year.  He thanked the Golden Boys for their support and welcomed suggestions from us for course improvement.
       Bradley Hughes complimented the Golden Boys on our self sufficiency and pledged to support our programs, particularly regular golf day play.
        Secretary’s report:  Gene Witherspoon offered to read the minutes of the 2009 annual meeting which were available at each table but a motion was made and seconded to forgo reading and accept the minutes.  The motion passed.
        Treasurer’s report:  Bob Arnold briefed the members on the 2009 year-end financial report and particularly the surplus to be addressed by the President under new business.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was seconded and approved by the membership.
        Golf Chairman’s report:  Ron Teevan briefed on the interclub schedule and particularly the elimination of home-and-home with Etowah Valley at their request.  Ron described a new policy to ensure sufficient players for home matches (Carolina interclub, Mountain interclub and Cummings Cove) which will give priority for away matches to those who play at home.
        Dine Around Chairman’s report:  Curt Irish briefed on the dine a-round schedule and indicated that it is going well.
        Social Chairman’s report:  Dave Postlewaite announced the establishment of a Golden Boys library of golf books and magazines that might be helpful and of interest to the members.  The first books were donated by Dennis Barbare and others may want to contribute?  Dave also briefed on availability of physical therapist Lance Owens after golf on 7 April to discuss various stretching exercises to prevent injury to us old folks.  Lance works with several of the tour pros who make Thornblade their home course.  Finally, Dave announced that he is planning a wine & cheese party at the Clubhouse Grille in July, a month when there is no dine a-round.
        Old Business:
       Ron Teevan discussed the interclub sign up procedure and need to submit checks to him or Dave Postlewaite 72 hours in advance of date of play to preclude replacement by an alternate.
       Jim Cadieu welcomed new members who were present:  Rocky Sponseller, Perk Perkins, Marvin Andersen and Jay Gaskin.
        New Business:
       Black Tees:  Dave Postlewaite announced that Lyn Young had agreed to support establishment of separate black tees on both courses.  The new black tee locations have been marked by Chuck Hite and Marvin Andersen, and stone markers placed which are to be buried soon.  The yardage reduction from white tees’ distance is about 500 yards on both courses.  Black tees can now be played but, until they are rated by the USGA, scores posted may not reflect a true handicap.  Golden Boys will no longer be allowed to use red tees which will not be rated for men.
       Member-Guest Tournament:  Gene Witherspoon briefed the details of this years’ Member-Guest tournament and introduced the committee members (Merv Moeller, Conde Sargent, Chuck Hite, Larry Clee, Stan Berry, Dick Davis, Don Stewart and Len Lipowicz).  He discussed changes from last year which are use of full handicap (instead of 90%), credit toward entry fee reduction for every sign sold and assignment of nearest the pin holes by flight with some reserved for guests.  Stan Berry passed out sign sales’ folders to those who sold last year and additional folders for those who want to participate.
       Reduction of Treasury Surplus:  Jim Cadieu briefed on the Board’s decision to reduce the treasury surplus which has built up over the last four years and was over $5,800 at the end of 2009.  The first step was free breakfast today which will cost approximately $700.  The Board also decided to further subsidize the Christmas party this year by reducing the per person attendance fee.  The total additional subsidy will depend on attendance.  The Board considered several suggestions from the membership and decided to go with two of them.  First, we will purchase a portable PA set to be used at functions such as the annual meeting and at interclub events.  This will cost about $400.   Finally, Bob Siddens suggested that we buy a bulletin board to replace the one he built many years ago.  We will spend about $800 to purchase an aluminum framed, sliding-door bulletin board later this year.
        Adjournment:  There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn which was approved at about 9:20 AM.

Golden Boys Board Meeting Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010

  • Call to order:   President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM.  All board members were initially present except Curt Irish who joined at 2:35 PM.
  • Secretary’s report:  Minutes of the January 6 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were reviewed and approved.
  • Treasurer’s report:  January financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  The Treasurer reported circumstances of a $50 loss for January Dine A-Round and the Board discussed measures to preclude recurrence.
  • Golf Chairman’s report:
    • The Golf Chairman reported that all interclub assignments have been made and results will be given to Golden Boys at and after the Annual Meeting.  The Thornblade interclub field is established for 23 February which occurs before the Annual Meeting.  Etowah dropped out of the home and home circuit so matches with that club have been discontinued.  Everyone got either their 1st or 2nd choice.
    • Volunteers have been solicited for most monthly captain assignments.
  • Dine Around Chairman’s report:  Although he was out of the state at the time, Curt Irish reported that the January dine a-round, managed by Larry Clee, had a large turnout and good reports on the dinner.  Because of the Thornblade interclub on Tuesday, 23 February, the dine a-around this month will be on Monday, 22 February at the Flounder Bar and Grill in Greer.  So far there is a light response but Curt will make a push for more people to attend.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he has given revised new member packets to several new members.  He is exploring with the Club House Grille the possibility of a wine and cheese tasting party in July since there is no dine a-round that month.  With a view to possible use by Golden Boys, he also has arranged a briefing session for all interested Golden Boys with a physical therapist who specializes in exercises to help “older” golfers improve muscle tone and agility for play.  Lance Owens of Sports Spine Industries and Jonathon Seymour will be available after golf on 7 April.  Dave will give further details at the annual meeting.
  • Old Business:
    • Budget Surplus:  Concerning the budget surplus and in addition to the strategy of gradual reduction by subsidizing Golden Boys events, the Board decided to solicit ideas from the general membership along  with the email reminder concerning the annual meeting.
    • Member-Guest Tournament: Chairman Witherspoon briefed the board on the Member-Guest Committee meeting of 10 February and reported that the committee is on track with planning for the 7-9 June tournament.
    • Black Tees:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he and Chuck Hite had placed permanent black markers at all proposed revised black tee locations and the owner has painted 36 all-black wooden movable markers.  Course distances for new black tee locations are approximately 5,500 yards for Linkside and a bit less than 5,300 for Creekside.  The owner will have the new black tee distances rated and then we will be good to go.  When rating is complete, the Golden Boys will no longer use red tees.
    • Food Service Support:  Jim Cadieu, Gene Witherspoon, Ron Teevan, Curt Irish and Dave Postlewaite met on 16 February with Trish Ballentine, co-owner of the Club House Grille, to negotiate all Golden Boys’ food service menus and prices for 2010.  She gave us a 10% discount on regular menu prices.
  • New Business:
    • Priority for Interclub Events:  The Board approved a recommendation from the Golf Chairman that would encourage Golden Boys to volunteer for and, when selected, participate in PCC hosted interclub events.  This incentive program will be included in Golden Boys rules revisions concerning interclub events selections and be briefed at the Annual Meeting.
    • Requirement for participation in Golden Boys Championship and Match Play Tournaments:  The assistant Golf Chairman proposed a change approved by the Board to modify the Golden Boys rules to require that, except for new members, Golden Boys must have participated in at least 10 regular Monday, Wednesday, or Friday rounds of golf in the preceding year in order to participate in the Championship and/or Match Play Tournaments.
    • Annual Meeting:  President Cadieu reviewed the proposed agenda for the 3 March annual meeting and it was approved by the Board.  He invited the owner, Lyn Young, and golf pro, Bradley Hughes to attend and speak and they accepted.
  • Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Golden Boys Board Meeting, Wednesday, 6 January, 2010

· Call to order:   President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.  All board members were present except Curt Irish.
 Secretary’s report:  Minutes of the December 09 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were approved.
 Treasurer’s report:  December financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  It showed an uncommitted reserve of $5,857.95 at the end of 2009, pertinent to old business discussed below.
 Golf Chairman’s report:
       The Golf Chairman reported that all interclub dates had been confirmed except for final approval of a couple of matches at Pebble Creek.  The Carolina Interclub raised the price from $35 to $40 for 2010, primarily because of food costs.  The Thornblade interclub will be held in February because their greens will be reconstructed shortly after the BMW tournament.  Because of this early start, it will not be included on the selection sheet and will instead be filled by sign up sheet to be posted on the bulletin board.
       Volunteers have been solicited for most monthly captain assignments.  The Golf Chairman will work to fill the few remaining slots but January and February are covered.
 Dine Around Chairman’s report:  Jim Cadieu reported for Curt Irish that most dine a-round dates have been matched with venues and we will stick with the normal $25 per person cost in 2010.  With help from Larry Clee, he and Curt negotiated an excellent menu with the Commerce Club where our first dine a-round will be held on 26 January.  We will have dinners at the Club House Grille in April and October, 2010.
 Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he is in the process of further defining his duties.  He is exploring the possibility of a wine and cheese tasting party.  He also recommended and the Board agreed to consider setting up a voluntary, free orientation session with a physical therapist Dave has been using who specializes in exercises to help “older” golfers improve muscle tone and agility for play.
 Old Business:  The Board continued discussion on how to deal with a treasury surplus (available uncommitted funds) that has increased steadily over the past four years at the rate of about $1,000 per year.  This surplus is the result of increased membership and continued cost control of events.  At the end of 2009, the surplus was more than $5,800 as indicated in the Treasurer’s report above.  The Board agreed that all who contributed to the surplus through dues payment should be allowed to benefit from any action to reduce its size.  The Board decided to pursue the following course of action:
       Set an eventual goal of $1,000 as a year-end surplus.
       Reduce the surplus gradually over several years.
       Begin whittling down the surplus this year by providing additional subsidies for the annual meeting breakfast and Christmas Party.
 New Business:
       Annual Meeting:  As set at last Board meeting, the annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 at the Club House Grille (breakfast 7:30, meeting about 8:15.)  Breakfast will be free!  Notification to members will be by email for all but the few who do not have it and the Secretary will send theirs by regular mail.
  Annual dues for regular members will remain at $25.  Social members’ dues will remain at $10.  The Treasurer will get out the word by email and Secretary will notify others by regular mail.
  Current ACE Club members will not pay any new membership fees in 2010.  New ACE Club members will pay $15 to join and receive hole-in-one insurance.  Payout remains $120 for each hole-in-one during Golden Boys competition.
  Except for a couple of event assistants and nailing down dates for two interclub events at Pebble Creek, all information for the 2010 calendar is set.
 The directory will be finalized by the Publicity Chairman once membership roster(s) are finalized about 1 April.  Other required new information includes rules adjustments (already provided) and the calendar of events soon to be finalized.
 The Golf Chairman will get out interclub selection sheets by email with return in time for handout of results at the Annual Meeting.  The Secretary will send selection sheets by regular mail to those without email.
       Member-Guest Tournament:  Chairman Witherspoon reported that dates are set and committee is formed for the event.  He reviewed a 36 step process for planning and execution of the event, the first five of which have been completed.  The committee will meet in early February to prepare a briefing for the membership to be conducted at the annual meeting.
       Black Tees:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he had done some initial coordination with the PCC owner to explore possibility of establishing separate black (forward) tees.  Lyn Young is amenable and would fund such an effort.  Essentially, it would result in rated black tees completely separate from the white tees and allow us to end use of red tees.  The Board agreed to support such an effort and asked Dave to explore it further and report back to the Board with more detailed information.
       Meal cost negotiations:  Beginning with the annual meeting breakfast, the Golden Boys will utilize the Club House Grille for food service for several events throughout the year.  It was decided to have the President, Member-Guest Chairman and Golf Chairman meet as a group to discuss/negotiate cost for all upcoming food service requirements before the annual meeting.  The meeting is set for 10 AM on 8 January, 2010.
 Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Golden Boys Annual Meeting Minutes- Amended April 1, 2009

President                                              Gene Witherspoon

Vice President/Golf Chairman          Herm George

Secretary                                              Les Burns

Treasurer                                             Bob Arnold

Social Chairman                                  Ron Teevan

Dine Around Chairman                     Jim Cadieu

Called to order by President Gene Witherspoon at 8:20 AM  New Members in attendance were recognized. Board Members were introduced.

Gene pointed out that Ron Teevan , social chairman, is the contact for all members to inform the membership of illness or hardships of any member.

2008 Year end Treasurer’s Report presented by Bob Arnold-Current Balance at end of February is $12,053.  84 members have already paid their 2009 dues

Tournament Committee-Herm George-66 people presented their choices for Interclub Tournaments, 58 got their first choice.

Lyn Young, Club Owner, made several announcements:

     –To accommodate economic downturn dues will be lowered.

    – Senior Dues will be $175 for full 7 day membership.

     –  Dues considered an annual obligation (no resigning in the fall and rejoining in the spring).

     -Next year there will be a 20% discount for paying annual dues in advance.

    – Single Golf memberships will be $175.

     – Asked for support for food services.

     – Restroom improvements to be addressed this year will be basically cosmetic.

Jim Cadieu, Dine Around Chairman, reported 44 participants at Campobello and 64 at Justin’s. He has scheduled Stax for the end of March, The Blue Fire Grill April and City Range in June. Others will be scheduled later.

Old Business

Gene reviewed the proposed by law changes(attached).A Quorum being present , Wendell Alderman moved for their adoption and Len Lipowicz seconded and the membership adopted by voice vote.

New Business

Arthur McMaster, reigning match play champion, proposed naming the Match Play Championship the IDK in honor of early members of the Golden Boys who were instrumental in developing the more social aspects of the organization. It was brought up that Roger Gilmore was the founder of the IDK, later the Golden Boys. Sam Masters motioned that the Match Play Tournament Trophy be named The Roger Gilmore Trophy. Motion was seconded by Chuck and approved by voice vote.

Gene reviewed the Golden Boys Monday-Wednesday-Friday rules and after much discussion, Herm George, Golf Chairman, pointed out that these rules were for Golden Boy play only and did not have to strictly conform to USGA rules.

Gene then reviewed the upcoming “best deal in town’ our Member Guest scheduled for May19 &20,, 2009.He explained the sign sales incentive and related event schedules. He also reviewed eligibility requirements, 55 and older except for relatives 21 and older. The entry deadline is April 10th.Sign up begins after this meeting and is limited to 36 teams.

Len Lipowicz moved for adjournment seconded by Richard Hanks and approved.

Golden Boys Annual Meeting – March 5, 2008

Called to order by President Tom Zix at 8:10 AM

 Tom Zix introduced:

  • New members for 2008—Dick Boothroyd, Mike Toskey, Dan Malone
  • Current Board Members— Gene Witherspoon, Treasurer & V.P.; Allan Auvil, Secretary; Les Burns, Social Chairman; Jim Cadieu, Dine Around Coordinator; Herm George, Golf Chairman.

Minutes from last Annual Meeting—read by Allan Auvil.  Accepted as read.  Motioned by George Baker, seconded by Jim Cadieu.

2008 year end Treasurer’s report—presented by Gene Witherspoon—Gene discussed different aspects of the report and thanked the members for being very timely with their dues payments this year.  We are well ahead of 2007 in dues and fees collections.  Approved.  Motioned by Wendell Alderman, 2nd Len Lipowicz.

Dine-Around — Jim Cadieu reported that January meal at Brick Street Café drew 46 diners.  Justins in February drew 64 with 8 on wait list.  March will be at Stax Peppermill, April is Macaroni Grill, and June is City Range.  Other dates are August and October.  May is Member/Guest, none for July, September is Picnic, and December is Christmas Party.

Social—Les Burns reported that New Member Package was going out to new members as they joined.  Club picnic set for September 18 and Christmas Party for December 11.

Golf activities— Herm George –

  • April 7th marks time change for shot gun starts.  9:00 AM.
  • Member/Guest sign up sheet being circulated while we eat.
  • Interclub selections will be passed out immediately after breakfast.  67 people applied.  53 got their 1st choice, 14 got their 2nd.
  • Cliff Valley replacing Glen Cannon in Mountain rotation.
  • 5 events take place prior to Member/Guest as we try to front load our events prior to the Linkside shutdown in June.  Furman is 3/20.
  • New venue—Cummings Cove in Hendersonville.  Will do a home and home with them.
  • Thanks to monthly captains.  System seems to work well.
  • Will be revising the Pro-Shop sign up sheets.  Expect it to be done in next week or two.
  • Renewing efforts to help PCCC by filling in divots and in cooperating with them in other areas.  We want to do whatever we can to help the club succeed.

 Old Business—

  • Will be continuing to fill in divots with sand.  New carts will have sand bottles and holders.
  • Larry Clee—newly appointed PCCC General Manager reported:
    1. Carts Program—Start in April.  Attendants will staff club drop/pick up.  No carts will be permitted in parking areas.
    2. People on course (non-golfers) — Dangerous situation.  One dog has been struck and killed by a golf ball.  Dog’s owner was walking dogs on course in violation of trespass rules.  Hiring 2 rangers who are deputy sheriffs.  They will issue citations for trespass.
    3. New greens on Linkside.  Start June 2.  Rebuilding greens and some traps. Course will be closed approximately 3 months.
    4. New carts due in June—Gas with coolers.  No longer allow players to “bring their own”.
    5. Extended Club House hours—Thursday night dinners, breakfast on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    6. On-course behavior—

                  Cart path only rules.  Abide by the restrictions.  It is important to avoid damaging the course.

                  Handicap flags.  Will be getting more for those who truly need                           them.

                  Walk 9/ride 9—Do what you should.  Some incidents of misuse.

Birdies Never Die — Arthur McMaster reported:

  • Book nearing completion.  120 pages plus photos and appendix.
  • Described contents
  • Cost $15.95 per copy.  Order forms on table.
  • Make checks to Golden Boys with Birdies Never Die in memo line and give directly to treasurer.

 Member/Guest— Chuck Hite reported:

  • Entry fee is $400 per team.
  • Max 42 teams, ideally 36 teams.  Can accommodate in between.
  • Sign credit is $50 for sale of one sign; $100 if sell 5 to 9 signs; $200 if sell 10 or more.  Len Lipowicz coordination sign sales.
  • Sign up list being circulated now.  Payment due no later than April 11.

Del Reedy made a case to change the mulligan rule to have it not be valid on par 3s.  If starting on a par 3, it would carry forward to the next hole (par 4 or 5).  No discussion.

Tom Zix thanked the Club staff for serving the nice breakfast.

Adjournment— Don Stewart motioned.  Many 2nd.  Passed.

Closed at 9:00 AM

Allan Auvil


Annual Minutes Meeting 2007

Golden Boys Board

President                                                  Dan Coviello

Vice President/Golf Chairman                  Tom Zix

Secretary                                                  Larry Freehauf

Dine Around Chairman                            Allan Auvil

Treasurer                                                 Gene Witherspoon

Social Chairman/Asst. Golf Chairman       Les Burns

Meeting called to order at 7:45 AM

All Board members were present.

Annual Golden Boys group Breakfast was held prior to beginning of meeting.  Approximately 55 Golden Boys were in attendance.

President Dan Coviello opened the meeting by introducing four new members to the Pebble Creek Organization:

David Fels                    Head Club Pro

Phil McPherson            Assistant Pro

Karie Harrrison            Food & Beverage Manager

Trent Saverance           Course Maintenance Manager

The March 2006 meeting minutes were read.   Motion to accept was made by Len Lipowicz and seconded by Don Stewart.  Motion passed.

President Dan Coviello presented a list of all new members who had joined the Golden Boys organization since our last annual meeting of March 2006.  Dan then recognized five individuals of the organization who have been members for 20 years.  Dick Davis, Chuck Hite, John Mickler, Sam Masters and Len Toole.

 Treasurer Gene Witherspoon gave the treasures report.  Motion to accept was made by Wendell Alderman and seconded by George Pike.  Motion passed.

Allan Auvil reported on the monthly Dine arounds.  The attendance has been very good with the outings ranging from 44 to 74 attendees.  Allan has arranged for some new venues this year. Februarys Dine Around at Justins Restaurant was a sellout.  Our Restaurant for March will be at Stax Peppermill and in April at Peter Davids.  Allan reported that the new e-mail system for confirming attendance has worked well and thanked the membership for their participation.

Les Burns reported on the Social activities.  The annual picnic will be held September 23rd and the Christmas party date for December 2007 is being finalized.

Golf Chairman, Tom Zix, gave an update on all the upcoming interclub outings.  He passed out individual selections for each outing.  He reminded the members that we had adopted a “give me putt” policy of 22 ½ inches and that all members should abide by it. Tom reminded everyone that we would move our daily Tee times from 10:00 AM to 9:00 AM starting the first of April 2007.  Tom thanked Conde Sargent for all his help and support on all the Golf activities.  Tom discussed a plan to work with Head Club Pro and the Course Maintenance Manager to help improve the fairways and report potential safety problems on the course.  The plan is to have the Golden Boys take one or two fairways each week and fill all the divots with the sand on our carts.  Tom thanked Jim Pearson for coming up with this idea.  Tom then introduced Larry Clee who will head up the annual GB Member/Guest tournament.  Larry reported that all is going well and he is working with his committee of Jim Cadieu, Dick Davis, Merv Moeller, Del Reedy and Conde Sargent to make this year’s tournament one of the best.  The tournament will be held on June 4th, 5th and 6th.  The cost for entry will be $400.00 per team.  Any team that sells one or more sponsor signs for $100 each will have a reduced entry fee of $350.00.

New Business:

Bill Allen asked if anyone knew if Pebble Creek had followed thru with plans to establish a club committee to discuss all aspects of the club.  No one from the GB is aware of any such organization.  Hopefully, now that Pebble Creek Club has a new organizational team in place, some type of club committee will be established and the GB group will have representation.

Chuck Hite made a motion that the 2007 GB annual dues remain at $25.00 per person.  Don Stewart seconded and the motion carried.

Bill Carithers made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Allan Auvil.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:454 AM.

Larry Freehauf


Golden Boys Annual Meeting 2006

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. with all board members present.

Al Valenti extended a warm welcome to the 55 members in attendance while recognizing one new member and several who were present that have had health or injury problems. Al took a moment to offer sincere thanks on behalf of the entire membership to Dick Davis, Chuck Hite, Conde Sargent and Marty Zernick for their countless contributions to the Golden Boys.

The minutes to last years meeting were read and accepted as presented.

Dan Coviello presented the year-end treasurers report for 2005. The report showed total committed and available funds  were $6,688.03. With net funds available (after committed funds) amounting to $1,612.71. Dan also advised that the $5,000 C.D. comes due in June and that the annual dues for 2006 have been set at $25.00.

Social Chairman, Larry Freehauf, reported that Gene Witherspoon would again head up the annual picnic to be held in September. Wendell Alderman would handle the annual Christmas party with the help of Merv Moeller.

Allan Auvil stated that the dine-a-round at Khaki’s was well received. The next event on the schedule will be held at The Fish Market with City Range on tap for the month of April.

Tom Zix, with help from Bob Siddens and Conde Sargent, distributed the interclub assignments for this year. Members were encouraged to sign up for alternate status on the dates available. Tom further advised that the tournaments for the year will be run by Del Reedy (member-guest),

Don Stewart (Golden Boys Championship), Larry Freehauf (match-play).

Del Reedy advised that the member-guest will be held June 5, 6, 7 for $300.00 per team. Jim Cadieu is heading up the committee selling sponsors for this year.

A motion was made from the floor to make the one Individual game on Wednesday optional. The captains of the month may substitute another choice in its place. After some discussion the motion was carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.


Mack Whitley



Golden Boys Board Meeting December 7, 2005

Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. with all board members present except Larry Freehauf (out of town), including the two newly elected members, Allen Auvil and Tom Zix.

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as presented. No additions or changes were made to the minutes.

Dan Coviello covered the latest treasurers report. The ending balance as of November 30, 2005 is $5,029.25. Dan suggests that the $2,000 CD be cashed in and the funds moved into the checking account to help offset the upcoming expenses of this years Christmas Party. The board voted to approve Dan’s motion.

Doug Bond recommended that the board make an effort to refund some of the out of pocket expenses Marty Zernick has incurred with the inter-club activities. The board agreed with Doug’s motion — Al Valenti will meet with Marty to try to get him to accept repayment.

The board wishes to thank Wendell Alderman for his work organizing the Christmas party: 135 in attendance, entrees have been chosen, seating assignments made and plans for Thursday afternoon setup covered.

Conde Sargent attended the meeting to cover the Mountain inter-club program for 2006. The Pebble Creek date will be May 16, 2006. Other club dates will be determined at a later date. Pebble Creek, Glen Cannon and Hendersonville agree with a $40.00 fee for the tournaments. Kenmure, which originally suggested the fee be raised to $45.00 for
each event, is determined to hold to that price.

The board wishes to express it’s thanks and appreciation to George Baker and Doug Bond for their three years of service to the Golden Boys cause. George served as President and Vice President as well as running some of our tournaments. Doug served as Dine-Around chairman for two years and this past year served as Golf chairman.

The new board will be made up as follows:
Al Valenti   President
Dan Coviello   Vice President and Treasurer
Larry Freehauf   Social Chairman
Tom Zix Golf Chairman
Allen Auvil  Dine-Around Chairman
Mack Whitley Secretary

The board agreed to delay the January meeting to the second Wednesday in the month.

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Mack Whitley Secretary

Golden Boys Board Meeting November 4, 2005

Meeting called to order at 2:30 p.m. with all board members present except Doug Bond who was away.

The minutes of the September 7th meeting were approved as presented. No additions or changes were made.

Wendell Alderman gave an in depth report on the status of plans for the upcoming Christmas party. This years event is set for 6:00p.m. on December 8th at Larkin’s on the River (formally Rene’s Steakhouse). The cost has been set at $22.00 per person for Golden Boys and their spouse with a charge of $30.00 for any invited guests. Checks to be mailed to Dan Coviello along with entree choices by Monday December 5th. The Board asked Wendell to inquire about next year’s reservation on a similar date in December and the possibility of locking in this year’s price for 2006.

George Baker will handle the special invitations for Mike Campbell and Mark Pavano.

Dan Coviello covered the latest treasurers report showing net funds available $4,545.63 as of September 30, 2005. It was decided that, in order to set the Christmas party price at $22.00, the balance of the charge will be covered out of the treasury.

Conde Sargent reported that the Mountain Interclub dates for 2006 might require a $45.00 price tag for each event. While this is not definite, it does look as though some increase will be put in place. A suggestion was made to not include the Etowah dates into next year’s interclub schedule. One
additional point brought up on the Mountain group was that if the price should go to $45.00 then it might be difficult to get 20 players from our club willing to play.

Larry Freehauf was credited with running a successful match-play program. We need to look at possible changes acceptable to the membership that would increase participation in the tournament.

Al Valenti reported the last dine-a-round, held at Saskatoons, was one of the better dinners held this year. All agreed that Al and his helpers did an outstanding job in the events held this year. Al is in the process of reserving the facility for next year’s picnic to be held September 21, 2006.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45p.m.

Mack Whitley  Secretary

Golden Boys Board Meeting September 7, 2005

Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm with all members present except Doug Bond, who was out of town.

The minutes of the August 3rd meeting were accepted as presented, no additions or changes made.

Dan Coviello covered the treasurer’s report as of August 31, 2005. The total net funds available as of this date were $3,390.50. Some questions were asked about specific items in the report, after which the report was accepted as shown.

The hole-in-one fund was brought up for discussion again. Some members are delinquent with their payments after the last round of aces. Larry Freehauf made a motion, with second from Al Valenti, that members who are past due must make an effort to pay up within the next two weeks or be dropped from the program for the balance of the year. Motion carried.

Larry Freehauf announced the match play tournament will be played in October with the first round on Wednesday October 5. Pairings to be announced on Monday the 3rd. The last day to sign up for the tournament will be Oct. 1. After the first round, the competitors will have one week to complete the second phase and continue each week until we have a champion.  The championship tournament is under way with the final round to be played Wednesday September 14.

Al Valenti reported 74 people attended the recent dine-a-round at Caesars. The October event at the club has been changed and will be held at Saskatoon instead on October 25th.

The picnic is Sept. 14th–Al announced that he will ask the dine-a-round callers to contact people in an effort to increase the number coming to the picnic.

A slate of potential board members was drawn from a list of potential candidates. The ballots will be distributed within the next week for a four-week deadline for returning them.

Some discussion was held on the future of the club and of the Golden Boys as an organization. The discussion ran along the lines/option: the club remains semi-private, the clubs reverts to a private status, the club purchased by a developer, the Golden Boys relationship to the new owners, necessary changes to our bylaws and other items. George stated, correctly, that is better to be considering these points now that to be caught without any options.

Due to several board members being away the first two weeks in October, it was decided to not hold an October board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Mack Whitley, Secretary.