Minutes, Golden Boys Annual Meeting March 2, 2011

Call to Order:  President Ron Teevan called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.   All board members were present except Curt Irish.
Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the February Board Meeting were approved by all members.  The minutes have been posted on the Golden Boy’s website.
Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Arnold reviewed the March Financial Report.  Of the 109 playing members and 13 social members, 89 have paid dues to date.  Bob has requested any members who have not paid dues yet do so as soon as possible so they can be included in the 2011 Golden Boys Directory.
Golf Chairman’s Report:  Wendell Alderman discussed the Interclub selections and announced that Cummins Cove is back on our schedule.  Wendell’s announcement that both home Interclub matches will be four man teams was well received by the membership in attendance.  Also, the nine o’clock starting time for golf will begin on April 4th.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:  Tom Moeller reported that all venues have been planned for this year except for one.  This month’s event will be held at Rick Erwin’s Restaurant.  This establishment was voted one of the top 50 restaurants in the country in 2009.
Old Business:
Dave Postlewaite reported that both courses will be measured on March 16th by the SCGA and that Bradley Hughes will follow up with ratings and scorecard changes.  The 15thtee on Linkside will be leveled as soon as weather permits.
New Business:

  • Gene Witherspoon reported that 32 teams have registered for the Member/Guest Tournament to be held in June.
  • Tom Zix advised that a contract has been signed with the Hyatt Regency downtown for our 25th Anniversary Christmas Party which will be held on December 13th.
  • Tom Van Nordstrand introduced a suggestion to explore membership interest in a 9 hole tournament.  This idea will be discussed at the April board meeting.

Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 a.m.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting — January 19, 2011

Call to order:   Acting President, Curt Irish, called the meeting to order at 2:47 pm.  All board members were present except Ron Teevan and Bob Arnold.
Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the December Board Meeting were approved by all members.
Treasurer’s Report:  The Financial Report emailed to the board by Bob Arnold earlier was approved as submitted.
Golf Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reviewed the following:
— 2011 Interclubs – Within the next two weeks, all members will receive their Interclub selection sheet for submitting their preferences for play.
— GB Championship Tournament:   Rocky Robinson will be the director this year.  The date will be moved to just after the Pebble Creek Championship when the course is in its best condition.
— Match Play Tournament:   Dave Postlewaite is looking for someone to organize this year’s tournament.  Dates will be announced at a future date.
–President’s Cup Tournament:  Dave Postlewaite will be the director this year.  Dates are not confirmed as yet, but October 3rd and 5th are the preferred dates.
–  Member-Guest Tournament:  Gene Witherspoon will continue to direct this event which will be held June 6th and 7th.  The sign-up sheet is posted on the Golden Boys bulletin board.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:  Tom Moeller is actively lining up dates for this year’s venues.  The first dinner is being held on January 31st at the Pebble Creek Club where an excellent menu has been selected.
Social Chairman’s Report:  Wendell Alderman has taken charge of welcoming new members and will be meeting with Curt Irish on Interclub details in the near future.
Old Business:
— The annual meeting will be on March 2, 2011 at the Club House Grille.  The breakfast will once again be free to all playing members if they have registered ahead of time on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  Dues need to be paid between now and March 31st.  Dues are $25.00 and the ACE Club payment is $15.00.
—  Christmas Party:   Last year’s dinner was a great success.   Details for the 2011 event were reviewed as outlined by Jim Pearson with the board emphasizing that the quality of the food served needs to be preserved.  Jim and Tom Zix are looking into restaurant options.
New Business:
–  Annual Picnic – Mike Toskey has confirmed the date for this year’s picnic as Thursday, September 15th, to be held at Paris Mountain State Park at sites 8-9, same as last year.
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting of December 13, 2010

Call to order:  Outgoing President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 2:57 p.m.  All board members were present except Ron Teevan.
Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the November board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members.
Treasurer’s Report:  The financial report for November was approved as submitted by the treasurer.
Golf, Social & Dine A Round Chairmen:  There was nothing to report from these chairmen.
Old Business:   The refurbishing of the Golden Boys bulletin board has been completed.  Although the final cost was higher than the original estimate and the funds previously approved, it was decided that the $325 was well worth the price and approval was given by the board for payment of the bill.

New Business:
The election of new officers is as follows:
President Ron Teevan
Vice President/Golf Chairman  Curt Irish
Secretary Dave Postlewaite
Treasurer Bob Arnold
Social Chairman/Golf Assistant  Wendell Alderman
Dine A Round Tom Moeller
Organizational Business:  Due to Ron Teevan’s extended absence, the gavel was turned over to Curt Irish who will assume Ron’s duties as president until his return.  Curt will be meeting with Ron by the first week in January to plan our 2011 events and report to the board at the January meeting the following:
·   Annual Meeting scheduled for March 2, 2011
·        Interclub Tournament entry procedures
·        Special Golden Boys tournaments which include Golden  Boys Championship, Match Play and President’s Cup assignments
·        2011 dues and Hole-in-one Insurance Club
It was agreed that 2011 should be an exciting year and thanks expressed to Wendell Alderman and Tom Moeller for accepting positions on the board.
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 10 November 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 3:07 PM.  All Board members were present.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the October Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for October had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that all Interclub events had been completed.  The Mountain Interclub (Cliffs Valley, Hendersonville & Kenmure) dates have been set, essentially same days of months as this year.   The Carolina Interclub representatives will meet next week to set those dates.  Ron reported on a member’s recommendation that match play be returned to individual play rather than two-man teams.  The Board agreed that this recommendation made sense based on the problems this year getting all four competitors lined up to play when a match was required.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite had nothing to report on the social front but did initiate discussion in a couple of areas covered below under new business.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the dine a-round schedule for 2010 has been completed.   He recommended that the chairman next year consider adding the Stax Grille and return to City Range.   He recommended that we drop High Cotton.
  • Old Business:  An offer was received to repair and refinish the Golden Boys bulletin board for $100.  The Board agreed to accept the offer and limit work to $150 if there was a need to modify the scope of work.
  • New Business:

o       Board Election Update:  The secretary reported that 81 Golden Boys had cast ballots for the two new board members and one Golden Boy had abstained.   He will send out a second reminder in an attempt to get more voter participation before the deadline of 20 November.

o       Ryder Cup Review:   Dave Postlewaite reported that the Ryder Cup competition was well received by the membership.   He intends to make next years’ event a “Presidents Cup” competition and adjust the rules as necessary to put them in line with that tournament.

o       Interclub Tournament Entry Procedures:  Based on the October Board meeting determination that procedures for interclub selection be modified, Ron Teevan presented proposed details for Mountain and Carolina Interclub selection.   After discussion, it was decided that the specifics be deferred for 2011 Board determination and that the new rules be promulgated in early 2011,  explained at the 2011 Annual Meeting and detailed in the 2011 Directory.

o       Possible Additional Home and Home Event:  Jim Cadieu was approached by a senior member of the Spartanburg Country Club with proposal that we consider initiation of a home and home event with them similar to the one we have with Cummings Cove.   The Board agreed that Jim and Ron Teevan follow up on this proposal and set up such an arrangement if it is feasible.

o       Herm George Service Award:  A nomination was made, seconded and approved for recipient of the Herm George Award for 2010 using the criteria approved at the July Board meeting to reach back and base the award on long term service to the Golden Boys.

o       Christmas Party Program:  Jim Cadieu began discussion of the Christmas party agenda and it was decided that he prepare a strawman program and send it to the Board members for suggested modifications.

  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, October 6, 2010

Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Jim Cadieu at 2:03 p.m.  All board members were present except for Gene Witherspoon.

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the August board meeting were reviewed and approved by all board members.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written.  There was no board meeting held in September.

Treasurer’s Report – Financial reports from August and September were reviewed and approved by all board members.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the reports as submitted.

   Bob Arnold noted that we had not charged for hole-in-one insurance the past two years (except for new members).  However, the pay outs for the hole-in-one insurance in 2010 have depleted the fund to the point that we will need to once again require any Golden Boys wanting insurance in 2011 to purchase it.

   Bob delineated the costs of this years picnic.  It was noted that nobody had signed on to be chairman of the picnic in 2011.  Jim Cadieu said he would take on the chairmanship for 2011.

Golf Chairman’s Report – Ron Teevan reported that the Fox Run Interclub was cancelled due to the weather and will not be rescheduled.  Ron also reported that he had not received the formal invitation from Greenville C.C. For their interclub, but has gone ahead and will soon post the list of players for the tournament assuming the invitation from Greenville is forthcoming.

Social Chairman’s Report – Dave Postelwaite reported that there were no social activities planned for the upcoming month.

Dine A Round Chairman’s Report – Curt Irish noted that the last dine a round for the year is scheduled for October 26th at the Pebble Creek Grille.  Trish will have the menu information available on the 11th and Curt will get the information out to the membership.

Old Business – Replacement and/or refinishing the GB bulletin board was discussed and the board agreed to look into having the current board refinished.  Dave Postlewaite will take the lead on this project.

New Business – Pace of play for the GBs was discussed and it was felt that we should try going out in three man teams, instead of foursomes, to see if this would speed up play.  The three person  format will be piloted beginning on November 1st.  Also, it was noted that we will change the start time to 10:00 a.m. On November 1st.

   It was discussed and decided that we should change the rules governing the use of the black tees  and allow all GBs the opportunity to play from them.  It will be required, however, that whatever tees a player chooses for a given round, he must play them for the entire round.  Jim will send out an e-mail confirming this change.

   Dave Postlewaite provided an update on the organization efforts for the new Ryder Cup Tournament to be played later on October 20 and 22.  He said turn out has been good and that plans call for the selection of two captains who will select teams at the dinner to be held on the 19th.  Other ideas were discussed and Dave will work with Conde Sargent and Don Stewart to finalize the tournament formats, prizes, trophy, etc.

   Dave also brought up the idea of scheduling the GB Championship tournament the week following the Pebble Creek Club Championship.  This would take advantage of the course conditions prepared for the PCC Championship including GUR, OB, and Drop Zone markings.  This will be looked into further by Dave and Ron.

   Ron and Dave proposed changes to the interclub sign up procedure.  The changes were discussed extensively by the board.  A motion was made and seconded to make the following changes to the interclub procedure effective January 2011.

  • Interclub tournaments will be posted separately ,approximately 30 days prior to the event.  This will be done via e-mail, web site, and bulletin board.
  • Those GB interested in playing in the event must sign up and get their payment into the Golf Chairman within 14 days of the posting.
  • If more GBs sign up than there are openings, names will be drawn from those who signed up and those picked will be eligible for the tournament.  Those not drawn will be given first opportunity for the next interclub tournament.  This procedure will be done separately for the Mountain interclubs and the Carolina interclubs.  Example:  If a GB wanted to play Cliffs Valley and was not selected in the lottery drawing he would then have preference for the next Mountain interclub (e.g. Hendersonville C.C.).
  • Preferences will also be given to those GBs participating in home interclub matches.

  Ron and Dave will formalize these changes, publish them, and present them at the GB Annual meeting in March 2011.

  Ron explained that he and Tom Zix will be going to a meeting with representatives from all of the interclubs where there may be discussion of changing the Carolina Interclub format from two person teams to four person teams.  Ron asked for the board’s recommendation.  A motion was made and seconded to support this change.

Adjournment – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 3:15 p.m.Respectively submitted by Curt Irish

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 6 August 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM.  All Board members were present except Dave Postlewaite.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the July Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for July had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.  Bob Arnold reported that the US flag approved at last board meeting had been purchased for $70 and presented to the PCC.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that Furman interclub (31 August) list will be posted today.  He will post the Hendersonville Mountaininterclub (27 August) list as soon as he gets the green light from his Hendersonville contact.  Ron raised a possible change to handling of interclub assignments for 2011 and after much discussion, it was decided to table the proposal for decision at a future board meeting after Ron and Dave Postlewaite, next year’s golf chairman, prepare a written proposal of the desired changes for review by the board.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan relayed from Dave Postlewaite that there was nothing to report.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the announcement and menu are out for the 31 August dine a-round at High Cotton.
  • Old Business:  None
  • New Business:  Bob Arnold passed on a recommendation from a Golden Boy that we consider reimbursing the Club House Grille for the cost of paper cups used to provide Golden Boys ice water before our rounds.  A motion was made and seconded that we not buy cups but instead provide the Clubhouse Grille with a $50 check in appreciation of the support they provide to the Golden Boys.
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 14 July 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:58 PM.  All Board members were present except Ron Teevan who had contractors working at his home.
  • Golden Boys Championship:  Rocky Robinson and Conde Sargent were invited to discuss the upcoming championship tournament scheduled for 19 and 21 July.  The main issue was the tees to be used.  Current Golden Boys rules state that white tees will be used for all tournament play.   Since initiation of the black tee option, many Golden Boys have petitioned to use them for the championship.   After much discussion, the Board voted to use “black tournament” tees and the committee will place them nearer black than white tee locations.  Black tee handicaps will be used by all participants.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the June Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for June had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported for Ron Teevan  that the Keowee Key interclub was well attended by Golden Boys but only after going deep into the alternate list.  Tom Zix expressed concern that Keowee may have been a bit skimpy on prizes.  First place was a $23 pro shop certificate and third place $11.50 based on reports from Golden Boys who received these prizes.  Tom will address this at the next interclub meeting.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he is still considering a Greenville Drive night but will wait until it is a bit cooler.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that he had negotiated with High Cotton for the August dine around.  One of the menu choices will be prime rib and house wine will be $5.  Golden Boys should take care not to use unassigned bar service as wine will be more expensive.
  • Old Business:
    • The Member-Guest Chairman reported that the committee had agreed to make some significant changes for next year with a view toward greater participation.  The standard team entry fee will be reduced from $400 to $350 and sale of one sign will further reduce it to $300.   A further entry fee credit of $50 will be given for every multiple of five signs sold.  Competition days will be Monday and Tuesday rather than Tuesday and Wednesday.  Sign up list will be posted this year as soon as tournament dates are confirmed.  Guests without a USGA handicap must turn in at least three scores by 1 May 2011 to qualify to play.   Wendell Alderman and Tom Wirth will join the committee replacing Merv Moeller and Conde Sargent who will assist but not serve as official members.
    • Jim Cadieu will research purchase of a new bulletin board with view to have it in place in the fall.
  • New Business:
    • Dave Postlewaite recommended that we use some of the treasury’s surplus funds to purchase a US flag for the large flagpole near the driving range.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to authorize no more than $100 to purchase a 6 X 10 foot flag and present it to the club.
    • Gene Witherspoon suggested that the Board consider changing the selection criteria for the Herm George Service Award from extraordinary service in the calendar year of award to overall long term service so that we can reach back and honor long time Golden Boys who have provided outstanding support in years past but may not be as active now.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to change the selection criteria as suggested.
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 2 June 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM.  All Board members were present except Bob Arnold.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the May Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for May had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that the Cummings Cove home and home at Pebble Creek was successfully conducted.  Cliffs Valley is our next interclub and there is a long list of alternates.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that the black tee option has been well received by most Golden Boys.   He reported that he will contact Golden Boys who have a personal or family medical problem before announcing the details to make sure they do not object.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the May dine a-round at Justin’s had 71 attendees and comments were generally favorable.  High Cotton is the venue for August and he is negotiating the menu, seating and other details with his contact at the restaurant.
  • Old Business:  The Member-Guest Chairman reported that we are now at 25 teams for the tournament with one team withdrawing on 1 June.  Financially, the tournament is on solid ground with equivalent of $6,400 in signs having been sold and all entry fees collected.
  • New Business:  None
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:42 PM.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 5 May 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM.  All Board members were present except Dave Postlewaite who was out of town.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the April Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for April had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.  In discussing the details concerning the Carolina Interclub and Mountain Interclub events at Pebble Creek, it was pointed out that there was a surplus of $100+ for Carolina and a $300+ deficit for the Mountain Interclub.  The Board had previously approved enhancing the meal for the Mountain Interclub to make it comparable with that offered at the other clubs, however some of the deficit was due to a head count problem.  The Clubhouse Grille requires three day advance notice and was given a number 10 more than attendees that paid for the interclub event.  The Board discussed this with Trish Ballentine who explained that for special meals (Mt Interclub had three meats) she needed this time to order the food and had little flexibility for eleventh hour adjustment unless the items were on her regular menu.  The final PCC interclub with Cummings Cove will serve hot dogs and hamburgers which Trish said would allow more flexibility as they are items on her normal fare.  The Mt Interclub deficit problem was exacerbated because several complimentary meals were given to non-players and it was decided that this should not be done for future events unless it was part of the budget, such as for the Member-Guest Tournament.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that Holly Tree is our next interclub and he currently has five players who have not paid.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite was praised in his absence for organizing the black tee option which has been a popular addition for many Golden Boys.  It was confirmed that black tees must be played from both courses once the decision is made to use them and a Golden Boy may not choose to play white tees from one course and black tees from the other on Monday, Wednesday and Friday play.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the April dine a-round was a success with 60 attending the meal at the Club House Grille which provided an excellent menu and service.  Justin’s is scheduled for May but it was pointed out that the restaurant may be closing so Curt will change the venue if this is the case.
  • Old Business:  The Member-Guest Chairman reported that we are on schedule in the planning and execution process for this year’s event but that currently there are only 24 teams signed up with probability of two more being added.  Several have dropped out since the original sign up.  There was discussion as to why attendance has dropped off from previous years with several theories.  It was decided to take a general survey of all Golden Boys to try and determine how attendance can be enhanced for future events.
  • New Business:  None
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting–Friday, April 9, 2010

Call to order:
President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.  All board members were present except Gene Witherspoon.
2010 Christmas Party Update:
Joe Fenwick provided a detailed report on his planning activities for the Christmas party and recommended to the board that the party be held at the Hilton Hotel.  Joe presented a copy of the contract that has been drawn up with the Hilton Hotel.  After a review of the contract by the board members present it was the consensus that we follow Joe’s recommendation.
2010 GB Picnic Update:
Curt Irish reported on behalf of Mike Toskey, Picnic Chairman that two adjacent picnic shelters at Paris Mountain have been reserved. The shelters will comfortably accommodate our group and will also have areas available for the usual outdoor games (i.e. bocce ball, horseshoes, cowboy golf, etc).  A food vendor has not yet been chosen and both Pebble Creek Pizza and The Clubhouse Grille will be offered an opportunity to bid on the service.  During the board meeting The Clubhouse Grille provided a sampler plate of their BBQ sandwiches for the board members to taste.
Secretary’s report:
In the absence of the Secretary the Minutes of the March 2010 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
The April financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  It showed total uncommitted funds of $8,432.95.  Bob Arnold reported that the “missing” $25 in dues was found and that it was an error made by one of the GBs who thought they had written the check, but in fact had not.  The GBs currently have 100 golf members and 15 social members.
Golf Chairman’s report:
Ron Teevan, Golf Chairman reported that he has a full field scheduled for the Carolina Interclub to be contested at PC on Tuesday, April 13th.  There are 38 foursomes scheduled to play and a final count for the food service will be provided to The Clubhouse Grille by Sunday.  Ron and Dave will be moving up the white tee markers Monday evening so that the length of the course will be within 5,900 yards.  The pro shop staff will be marking Ground Under Repair (GUR) areas as well as Out of Bounds (OB) areas on Monday.  Conde Sargent will be providing the technical assistance required for the tournament.
Ron also reported that the invitations for the Mountain Interclub scheduled for April 22nd have been sent out.
Social Chairman’s Report:
Dave Postlewaite reported that the presentation by the Physical Therapists on Wednesday, April 7th went well.  Dave is looking into setting up a trip to a Greenville Drive baseball game for the GBs in July.
Dine Around Chairman’s report:
Curt Irish reported that 101 people attended the March Dine A Round at Stax Peppermill and that everyone seemed pleased with the meals, drinks, etc.  The April Dine A Round is scheduled for Tuesday, April 27th at the Clubhouse Grille.  Curt will be getting the menu for that Dine A Round on Monday and will be sending out reservation information at that time.
Old Business:
The black tee markers are now permanently in place and have been rated and  GB handicaps are available on the computer.  Dave will draft rules defining the use of the black tees and make them available by Monday April 12th.  The Board continued discussion on purchasing a new PA system for use at large meetings, interclubs, the GB picnic, etc.  Jim will check on getting one in time for the interclub scheduled for April 13th.
There was discussion of spending some of the surplus money on a new bulletin board and an American flag for the flag pole by the driving range.  Ron recommended, and the board agreed, that we not spend any additional surplus money until the Mountain Interclub scheduled for the 22nd is completed since that event may require additional funding by the GBs.
New Business:
No new business reported.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.