Board Meeting February 15, 2012

Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:45 PM. Board members present were Irish, Moeller, Alderman, Gaskin, and Hemm
Christmas Party Update
Jim Pearson and Jim Crain provided an update on the planning for the 2012 Christmas party.  They provided a contract they had negotiated with The Hyatt Hotel and the board approved them to go ahead and sign it.
Approval Of Minutes
Minutes from the January 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.  Included in the report was a $24.50 charge for checks from the Travelers Rest Bank.  Tom is going to see about getting that waived as we have not paid for checks in the past.  Tom also explained some formatting changes he has made to the financial report.  At present 69 members have paid their dues for 2012.  Tom said he would make some reminder phone calls to members who have not yet paid.
Golf Chairman’s Report
Golf Chairman Wendell Alderman noted that today was the deadline for interclub choice  forms from members.  He has received forms from 53 members and he and Jay Gaskin will compile the selections and complete the tournament assignments in time for the annual meeting on March 7th.
The Mountain Interclub will be modifying their tournaments this year to include a club vs club tournament within the regular 4 man, 2 best ball tournament.
The date for changing the start time for our regular weekly golf will be Monday, April 2nd.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report
Ken Hemm reported that sign up for the February Dine Around at the Clubhouse Grill is going well.  The Dine Arounds for March and April are tentatively in place and will be announced soon.
Social Chairman’s Report
Jay Gaskin reported that he has received approval to locate the Golden Boys Library in the pro shop.  As soon as he finds a bookcase that will accommodate the books and videos he will relocate the library from his home to the pro shop.
Old Business
Final arrangements for the annual meeting in March have been completed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
—–Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish acting as Secretary\

Board Meeting February 15, 2012

Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:45 PM. Board members present were Irish, Moeller, Alderman, Gaskin, and Hemm
Christmas Party Update
Jim Pearson and Jim Crain provided an update on the planning for the 2012 Christmas party.  They provided a contract they had negotiated with The Hyatt Hotel and the board approved them to go ahead and sign it.
Approval Of Minutes
Minutes from the January 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.  Included in the report was a $24.50 charge for checks from the Travelers Rest Bank.  Tom is going to see about getting that waived as we have not paid for checks in the past.  Tom also explained some formatting changes he has made to the financial report.  At present 69 members have paid their dues for 2012.  Tom said he would make some reminder phone calls to members who have not yet paid.
Golf Chairman’s Report
Golf Chairman Wendell Alderman noted that today was the deadline for interclub choice  forms from members.  He has received forms from 53 members and he and Jay Gaskin will compile the selections and complete the tournament assignments in time for the annual meeting on March 7th.
The Mountain Interclub will be modifying their tournaments this year to include a club vs club tournament within the regular 4 man, 2 best ball tournament.
The date for changing the start time for our regular weekly golf will be Monday, April 2nd.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report
Ken Hemm reported that sign up for the February Dine Around at the Clubhouse Grill is going well.  The Dine Arounds for March and April are tentatively in place and will be announced soon.
Social Chairman’s Report
Jay Gaskin reported that he has received approval to locate the Golden Boys Library in the pro shop.  As soon as he finds a bookcase that will accommodate the books and videos he will relocate the library from his home to the pro shop.
Old Business
Final arrangements for the annual meeting in March have been completed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
—–Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish acting as Secretary\

BOARD MINUTES January 11, 2012

Call to order:
Vice President Wendell Alderman called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. All board members were present with the exception of Curt Irish.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the December board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
The December Financial Report was reviewed and approved. Events for 2012 were discussed and approved with the exception of the 2012 Christmas Party which will be discussed next month.
Golf Chairman’s Report: 
Wendell Alderman presented the Interclub schedule and the selection process that will be used to determine participation in these events. The Interclub selection sheets will be sent out to members this week.
Dine Around:
Chairman Ken Hemm submitted the results of theDine Around survey. It was decided that Dine Around events will be held the 4th Tuesday in the months of February, March, April, August and October.
Social Chairman:
Jay Gaskin reported that he has updated the new member forms and will report all new member information to the board. Jay also will be addressing the issue of moving the Golden Boys library to an area in the club where it will more available to our membership and used on the honor system.
New Business:
Conde Sargent met with the Board to discuss preparations for the 2012 Directory.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

BOARD MINUTES January 11, 2012

Call to order:
Vice President Wendell Alderman called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. All board members were present with the exception of Curt Irish.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the December board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
The December Financial Report was reviewed and approved. Events for 2012 were discussed and approved with the exception of the 2012 Christmas Party which will be discussed next month.
Golf Chairman’s Report: 
Wendell Alderman presented the Interclub schedule and the selection process that will be used to determine participation in these events. The Interclub selection sheets will be sent out to members this week.
Dine Around:
Chairman Ken Hemm submitted the results of theDine Around survey. It was decided that Dine Around events will be held the 4th Tuesday in the months of February, March, April, August and October.
Social Chairman:
Jay Gaskin reported that he has updated the new member forms and will report all new member information to the board. Jay also will be addressing the issue of moving the Golden Boys library to an area in the club where it will more available to our membership and used on the honor system.
New Business:
Conde Sargent met with the Board to discuss preparations for the 2012 Directory.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting December 5, 2011

Call to order:
President Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm. with all board members present in addition to newly elected board members Jay Gaskin and Ken Hemm.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the November board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Financial Statement was approved as presented.  Outgoing Treasurer, Bob Arnold, briefed the board on the process of transitioning to a new treasurer.  The Board thanked Bob for a job well done during his three year of service to the Golden Boys.
Old Business:
Christmas Party:  All arrangements have been made.
New Business:
Board Member Election:  Jay Gaskin and Ken Hemm were elected as new board members. Organization of new board:
President – Curt Irish
Vice President/Golf Chairman – Wendell Alderman
Secretary – Dave Postlewaite
Treasurer – Tom Moeller
Social Chairman/Golf Assistant – Jay Gaskin
Dine Around – Ken Hemm
In an effort to improve our current Dine Around program, a survey will be sent to members requesting their input into possible changes.  The survey will be returned to Ken Hemm by February 1st.   The results of the survey will be discussed at our next board meeting on January 11, 2012.
Discussions were held with regard to planning our Annual Meeting to be held on March 7, 2012.  Information will be sent to members when details are finalized.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.

Golden Boys Board Meeting, November 9, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 2:50 PM. Board members present were Irish, Moeller and Alderman.

Rocky Robinson gave a wrap-up report on the Golden Boys Championship Tournament that was held July 18 & 20.  Rocky has agreed to be Tournament Director again for 2012.

Minutes of the October Board meeting were approved as submitted. The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.

Curt Irish as golf chairman reported on the final interclub tournament that was held at Greenville CC.  Irish and Alderman attended the meeting for the Carolina Interclubs chaired by Tom Zix.  Tom will send us a copy of his report when completed.

Tom Moeller reported on the Dine Arounds for 2011.  The board voted to eliminate the Dine Around for January 2012.

Wendell Alderman reported on Social Committee.  We have had no new members in the past month.  Notification was sent out to all members regarding the deaths of John Macrae and Karen Macrae.  No other issues at this time.

Under old business, the upcoming Christmas Party was discussed.  We are hoping for a large turnout for this event as we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Golden Boys.

The Herm George Service Award was discussed.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM. –Wendell Alderman, Acting as Secretary

Minutes, Oct 6, 2011, Board Meeting

Call to order:
President Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm. with all board members present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the September board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members. The
minutes have also been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Arnold submitted the Financial Statement for September and was approved as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Pebble Creek Mountain Interclub will be held on May 24, 2012 with the hope that the weather
will have improved by that time.
The starting time for our regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday play will move to 10:00 am
beginning Monday, November 7th.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:
This month’s Dine Around will be held at the Hilton (Vercitti Restaurant) on Tuesday, October
Old Business:
   Art McMaster reported that twenty nine players participated this year which was down
somewhat from previous years, likely due to the popular interclub in Hendersonville during the
same week. We needed 32 slots to make four complete flights, but were forced to use 3 blinds.
The event took in $435, which will be paid out as prizes to the overall champion, the runner-up,
and to four flight winners and runners up. The purchase of a trophy from Crown Trophy will
complete the payout. It is recommended that a closer look at the Interclub schedule is needed
when setting the schedule for the match play tournament next year.
Jim Cadieu reported that sixty nine members, spouses, and guests attended the picnic which was
held at Paris Mountain State Park on September 15, 2011 at the same shelters (5&6) we used last
year. The dinner was catered by Mike & Jeff’s Barbecue with desserts provided by many of the
members’ spouses. Lawn games, socializing and good food contributed to making the event a
New Business:
The board approved plans for the Christmas Party as presented by Tom Zix and Jim Pearson.
The event will be held on Tuesday, December 13th at the Hyatt Regency downtown Greenville.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Golden Boys Board Meeting — September 7, 2011

All members present except Dave Postlewaite.  Wendell Alderman taking minutes in his absence.  Ron Teevan called meeting to order at approx. 1:45.
Jim Cadieu, picnic chairman reported on upcoming annual picnic to be held on Thursday, September 15.  All plans for the picnic are on target.  Jim reported that sign-ups are down compared to past years.  Jim will send out emails to all members to try to increase attendance.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.  Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Curt Irish, Golf Chairman reported on Interclubs. We have been contacted by a one of the Mountain  Interclub members suggesting that we move the tournament at Pebble Creek to sometime in May for better weather.  The Board agreed this would be a good thing and Curt will respond with a date in late May for their consideration.
It has been noted that Golden Boys playing matches and also participating in the GB event tend to play slower than normal.  The Board is asking the monthly captains to place participants in tournaments at the back of the regular Monday, Wednesday and Friday play.
Tom Moeller reported that our final Dine Around for 2011 will be held in October at the Hilton.
Ron Teevan announced that he was resigning from the Pebble Creek Club effective the end of September, and would therefore resign as President at the same time.  Ron is resigning due to health reasons.  Curt Irish, as Vice-President will assume the President’s duties for the remainder of 2011.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:20

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, August 3, 2011

Call to order:
President Teevan called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm. with all board members present except Bob Arnold and Curt Irish.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the May board meeting were approved and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.  There were no board meetings in June and July due to lack of new business.
Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Arnold submitted the financial statements for June and July earlier and were approved as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Three successful Interclub tournaments were held with sixteen players attending Carolina Country Club, twenty players attended Kenmure and 20 players attended Cummings Cove where our team retained the trophy.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:
Tom Moeller reported the dinner will be held on Monday, August 22nd at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse Grille.
New Business:
Jim Cadieu reviewed plans for the annual picnic to be held on Thursday, September 15th.   Details will be posted on the Golden Boys website in the near future.’
Members have asked the board to address the topic of cheating.  Therefore, during the round of golf any infraction must be called at the time it occurs.  If it cannot be resolved at that time, the issue should be brought to the attention of the director of the event, who will review the situation and make a judgment accordingly.
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting–April 6, 2011

Call to order:  President Teevan called the meeting to order at 1:45 pm. with all board members present.
Secretary’s Report:  The minutes for the March Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved by all members.  The minutes have also been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Arnold reported that all members have paid their dues for 2011.  The Financial Report was reviewed and approved as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report:  All plans for the first Carolina Interclub have been made and planning for the Mountain Interclub is in the process of being completed.
Since both of our courses have been reserved for an outing on April 25th, Curt will look for another location for our regular Monday golf.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:  Tom Moeller reported that all venues have been planned for this year.   Tom continues to work at keeping prices low without sacrificing quality.
Old Business:
It had been suggested at the Annual Meeting that a separate 9 hole group should be considered.  Due to lack of interest, the board suggested that anyone interested in such an activity, should do so on their own but to let Conde Sargent know so he can post the information on our website.
New Business:
Slow play has been addressed and will be monitored by Curt and reminders will be given prior to matches.
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.