Annual Meeting Minutes – March 4, 2020

 Golden Boys Annual Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 8:00 on March 4, 2020.

Present and voting were 35 members plus 7 proxies which met the quorum requirement of 29.

The 2019 membership meeting minutes were approved without dissent. 

Treasurer’s Report

         Jim Grist reported that we started the year with a balance of $6,254.52, had income of $15,978.00 and expenses of $16,542.35 for an ending balance of $5,700.17. The largest expenses were the Christmas Party and the Member/Guest followed by the Interclub outings. The only large variance was the Member/Guest. Jim then presented the budget which was based on 55 full members and 5 social members. Income is projected to be $4,647.48 with the projected carryover of $2,977.48, both of which are in line with 2019.

Tournament Chairman Report

         Dave Schutte presented a calendar of 2020 events stressing that he would need help with the various events. To assist volunteers, he created booklets for each tournament so that organizing the events would be easier. Event sign up sheets would continue to be posted on the pavilion bulletin board. He also indicated that we would be approaching the course owner regarding possibly play on Creekside twice each week, every other week.

Social Chairman Report

         Jim Stewardson and Jay Gaskin indicated that last year’s dine-a-rounds were well attended and that Jay expected that we would have four dine-a-rounds this year. He hoped that the next one would be in April and he would be talking to Gary about having it at Pebble Creek. The Christmas Party was scheduled for December 8th. Jay indicated that he has four members on the committee.

Old Business

         Dave Schutte addressed the survey that was sent to the members. The top vote getter issue was the need for a bridge on #1 on Linkside. He reported that we sent a letter to PCC management reflecting our concern for the need of a bridge. We are currently waiting to hear back from them.

New Business

         Jay reviewed the suggested changes to the bylaws which better accommodates the fact the no one is willing to run for office on the board. Committees made up of volunteers would replace he elected offices, and there would be four committees: Tournaments, Social. Finance and Information Technology, and Member/Guest. After an extended discussion the vote was taken with all active members present voting in favor of adopting the proposed changes to the bylaws.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.