Golden Boys of Pebble Creek
Board Meeting
November 20, 2019
Meeting was called to order at 2:28 PM
First item to be discussed was age requirements in order to play red tees. It was proposed by Jay Gaskin that the board reverse an earlier decision by the board that members must be 80 years old in order to play the red tees. The new proposal is to allow members 75 years of age to play red tees. However once the decision is made to play red tees there would be no returning to the black tees. This is to avoid players switching during tournaments. The proposal passed.
Dave Schutte proposed that a letter and an information booklet be sent to all club members that are 55 and older. Dave will work with club management to get this done.
In response to our difficulties finding captains, Dave Schutte also presented a proposal for a rotation for weekly captains. This proposal would require all members to serve two one week stints as captains. If they were to have conflicts they would be required to find a sub. This proposal was passed.
The board has a list of items that need to fixed on both courses during the coming year. The list will be sent to the members for a vote to rank from most important to least important to be presented to club management. Jay Gaskin will email the list. To the membership.
In an effort to initiate the new committee system the committee sign up was discussed. In addition to the committees already approved, it was decide that we should add a committee on rules and regulations.
A discussion was held concerning the board for 2020. No one has stepped forward to run for board positions for 2020. Therefore a proposal was made to extend the current board until the annual membership meeting next March. This would allow more time to recruit potential board members. This was approved.
Annual membership meeting will be held March 4, 2020.
There being no more business a motion was made and approved to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at3:21 PM.