Golden Boys Minutes
Time: 1:20
In Attendance
Richard Webb, Jim Ghrist, Gary Neal, Jay Gaskin, Dave Schutte, George Vanik
Approval of Minutes
Minutes were reviewed and approved
Treasurer’s Report
Jim Ghrist handed out a summary of the accounts and reviewed the various accounts pointing out the expenses and income items, highlighting the member/guest expenses and income numbers. Current balance is $6287.45. Additional discussion of the member/guest was put off until committee reports.
Treasurer’s report was approved
Committee Reports
George Vanikreported on what he thought was a GOOD Member/Guest event. He went over the expenses incurred and the income received. The bottom line was that expenses exceeded income by $1274.88 reducing our 2020 carry over to $2122.79.It was pointed out that the Monday dinner was by far the largest expense. He also provided a list of possible areas to save money in 2020. An extended discussion followed with the majority of the discussion centered on the Monday night dinner. The consensus was that discontinuing the dinner was the best option and that it could be replaced by a Sunday reception which would be less expensive. Discussion continued on the other possible savings. George also mentioned that we had an excess of 14 dozen golf balls that could be used at interclubs.
Golf Chairman Report
Dave Schutte began a discussion regarding the red tees that centered on whether or not the age to play the red tees needs to be moved back to 80. It was pointed out that several players over 75 but less than 80 are gaining an advantage due to the fact that their ability to still drive the ball exceed the need to move to the red tees. After a lengthy discussion, it was proposed that starting August 2nda player would need to be 80 or 75 with a handicap of 23/21 to play the red tees, which was approved by all present. It was also suggested that the change needs to be reinforced before each round.
Social Chairman Report
Jim Stewardson was unable to attended the meeting but submitted a written email detailing the second Dine-A-Round and outlining the next Dine-A-Round also indicating that he would like leave the board at the end of the year
Old Business
There was none
.Meeting Adjourned at 2:45