Board Meeting Minutes Apr 17, 2019

Golden Boys Minutes

Time: 1:40

In Attendance
Richard Webb, Jim Ghrist, Gary Neal, Jim Stewardson, George Vanik, Dave Schutte

Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the March 6th meeting were reviewed and approved

Treasurer’s Report
Jim Ghrist reviewed the Travelers Rest Bank account for the Golden Boys. He handed out a summary of the accounts and reviewed the various balances including the Ace Club account which had a balance of $835, total dues paid of $1895 and a bottom line of $8232.33l.
Treasurer’s report was approved

Committee Reports
George Vanik reported that we currently have 12 teams signed up, which is at least six teams short of where we need to be. Richard Webb interjected that there had been some previous discussion regarding combining the member/guest and the member/member to get more teams. That generated a discussion of what could be done to increase the number of teams. George suggested that he would contact the Emeritus members to see if there might be some of them that would like to be guest of members. Armed with that information he would contact members to try to match up the two. With the dates fast approaching we need to act.

Social Chairman Report
Jim Stewardson reported that the first dine a round was successful and that everyone seemed to enjoy ordering off the menu. He was looking to schedule the next event in May.

Golf Committee
Dave Schutte began a discussion regarding the red tees
On Linkside #18. That was followed by a discussion of the pros and cons of the
Red tees being across the creek. It was decided that Dave would contact the proshop
About creating a super senior tee about 30 yards in front of the current black tees which could be marked by rocks painted red and black. It was agreed to leave all the other tee boxes alone for now.
Dave also brought up the possibility of having some membership booklets available at the proshop for anyone interested in joining the Golden Boys. After some discussion regarding privacy issues, it was decided to print some booklets without any personal information.

IT Committee
The IT committee members will be: Jim Ghrist, Dave Schutte, and Terry Bailey. Terry Bailey will continue to update the website.

Old Business
There was none

New Business
Jay Gaskin lead a discussion about proposed changes to the bylaws. There followed several changes additions and deletions’ enough that it was decided that Jay would rework the changed based on the discussion and send out a new set of revisions to the bylaws.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:45