Board Meeting Minutes Feb 13, 2019

In Attendance:

Richard Webb, Jay Gaskin, Jim Ghrist, Jim Stewardson and Dave Schutte

Call to Order 

Meeting was called to order at 2:20 PM

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the January 23, 2019 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report 

Treasurer Jim Ghrist reported that the new bank account balance is $8085.57. This amount includes dues collect for 2019, Ace Club, and the special reserve account for the member guest. Jim also reported that the new membership totals for 2019 are as follows: 46 Active, 13 Emeritus, and 5 social for a total of 64 members. Jim said that there are three pending memberships that could decide to join by the annual meeting. Jim also presented a budget for 2019 that he will present to the membership at the annual meeting. 

Review of new bylaws proposal

Jay Gaskin presented a draft of the proposed by law changes. These were reviewed and Jay will incorporate changes and a summary of the changes to present to the membership. 

Assistant Golf Chairman Dave Schutte

Dave is keeping a record of who has played and how often members have won. He will present this at the Annual Meeting. It was also reported that there will not be a home and home with Cummings Cove this year due to a projected drop in participation and loss of a dining room in the Clubhouse Grille.   

Social Chairman

Jim Stewardson reported that some progress is being made with negotiations with Cascades for the Member Guest Dinner. No further discussions have been had concerning the Christmas Party. 

Annual Meeting planning

A discussion was held to discuss final preparations for the annual meeting which will be held at 7:30 AM March 6, in the Club House Grille. We expect approximately 50 attendees. Gary Brown assures us that he will be able to accommodate all. 


A motion was made to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 PM