Annual Meeting Minutes – March 31, 2021
Meeting was called to order at 7:40 AM
Present and voting were 35 members which met the quorum requirements of 24.
The 2020 membership meeting minutes were approved without dissent.
Treasurer Report
The treasurer reported that 47 active members and one social member paid 2021 dues. The 2020 budget dues/income was $1,820.00 with $2,947.48 carried over from 2019. The 2021 proposed budget is $4,540.76 which includes $3,825.76 carried over from 2020. The relatively large carryover to this year was due mostly to fewer golf and social events (e.g. no Christmas party) as a result of Covid-19 protocols. The budget was approved as presented. The ACE fund is currently solvent with a balance of $550. A motion proposed and passed to lower future ACE club awards from the current $125 to $75, and include future ACE club funding in annual dues. The exact amount will be determined by the Treasury Committee ($5 as part of $30 annual dues was offered as a guideline)
Tournament Chairman Report
1. Bill Robinson, PCC General Manager, was the guest speaker, followed by an active Q&A. Topics covered included the following:
a. Status of revised score cards to reflect the 27-hole course. Status: in work
b. Construction of a bridge on Linkside #1 to replace the one that washed out. Status: There are no plans to replace the bridge.
c. A fix for the bog on Linkside #2. Status: Cost to fix the problem will be expensive, starting at $80,000. Management is looking at making a permanent tee-box which would take the bog out of play, turning the hole into a par-4.
d. The filled and sodded area on the #7 Creekside green. Status: Eventually the sodded grass will be mature enough to roll and cut to a green’s specifications. Note: We currently take a free drop from the newly sodded area. The committee will look at discontinuing that practice as Bill Robinson said we may hit chip shots from the sodded area.
e. Linkside outer loop (#5 through #13); is the owner trying to sell the property? Status: He would like to sell, but there seems to be no viable offer pending.
2. We have an active interclub schedule this year with the next event scheduled at Smithfield’s CC on April 7th. We will host an interclub on September 15. After a brief discussion there was an agreement that we should opt to cancel the event if the course condition does not improve significantly.
3. Computer assigned teams may not be used on Wednesday’s if the turnout is low, e.g. about 12 to 15 or less. Also a manual worksheet may be used when playing par quota to more evenly distribute handicaps.
4. A suggestion was made from the floor that we move the starting time from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM during December, January, and February. The suggestion was put in the form of a motion and was defeated.
5. A suggestion was made to award an extra point for a “sandy” (gross par after hitting from a greenside bunker). The suggestion was put in the form of a motion and was defeated.
6. Copies of the “2020 Golden Boy Stats – Year of the Virus” were distributed to the membership in attendance.
Social Chairman Report
The first dine-a-round is set for April 6th at the Clubhouse Grille. Future events depend on local restaurants and current S.C. Covid-19 protocols which may limit attendance. The Christmas party is planned to return to Cascades, but we may need to opt for another venue if the forecast attendance is low.
Member-Guest Chairman Report
The member-guest is scheduled about a month later than usual, July 12 and 13, due to Covid-19. To boost attendance we may opt to include a member-member flight, which will be a separate entity but held jointly.
New business
1. We have a pressing and continuing need for volunteers to join and work on committees.
2. A change to the Bylaws was proposed: Change the committee name, “Tournaments Committee” to “Golf Committee.” The change was approved with a unanimous vote by the quorum in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 AM.