Board Minutes August 3, 2018

 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Board members present were Bill Thompson, Richard Webb, Jim Ghrist, Jim Stewardson, Jay Gaskin, and Terry Bailey.

Guests present were Gene Witherspoon, George Vanik, Art McMaster.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the March 14, 2018 Board meeting were approved.

Old Business

Treasure’s Report:

Richard Webb presented the treasures report update.

Social Chairman’s Report

Jay Gaskin reported that the next Dine Around is currently planned to be held August 28that Bocca Pure Italia.

In addition, Jay is exploring and additional Dining Out set of events designed for smaller numbers of people, 8-10, that will increase the potential number of venues available.

Golf Chairman’s Report:

Tournament Attendance Report to date:

  • Cummings Cove at Pebble Creek: 19 participants
  • Smithfields: 16 participants
  • Holly Tree: 16 participants
  • Match Play: 18 participants
  • Fox Run: 16 participants
  • Pebble Creek at Cummings Cove: 18 participants
  • Greenwood: 11 participants

Jim Ghrist is exploring a modified Interclub selection methodology for Golden Boys including potentially eliminating the Rule-of-Ten requirement.

New Business

New Golden Boys website is up and running.  Terry Bailey will assume a Conde-lite role in maintaining the new Golden Boys website, providing publishing and other support to future Boards.

Art McMaster proposed a Veteran’s Day idea for honoring our four oldest veterans during Golden Boys play November 12 this year.  This may include a breakfast, special 1sttee drives by the vets and flighted play to honor them.  The Board moved, seconded the motion and unanimously supported the proposal.

Member-Guest Tournament:  George Vanik has graciously agreed to take over the lead role for the Member-Guest tournament from Gene Witherspoon.  The Board noted it is not possible to thank Gene enough for the years he has led this effort.  George will need, and will get, help in his efforts via guidance from Gene, direct help by the Assistant Golf Chairman, and from the Member-Guest committee to be staffed. We should all thank him in advance for his efforts.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:28 PM.