Board Meeting Minutes February 14, 2018

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:20 PM.

Board members present were Richard Webb, Jim Stewardson, Jay Gaskin, and Terry Bailey.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the December 29, 2017 Board meeting were approved.

Old Business

Treasure’s Report:

Richard Webb presented the treasures report and the update draft budget for 2018.

Currently dues have been received for 68 golf members and 6 social members.  As noted before this is down from 77 golf members and 16 social members in 2017.

Golden Boys Annual Meeting and Breakfast

The annual Golden Boys meeting and breakfast notification was sent to all Golden Boys.  The event will be held at Harvey’s Original on Wade Hampton Blvd.  The date is March 7 at 7:30 AM.

Social Chairman’s Report

Jay Gaskin is planning for the first Dine Around for 2018 to be held in April at City Range.

Golf Chairman’s Report:

As Mike Toskey and his famous Turkey Shoot days, is no longer a member of the Golden Boys, there is consideration being given to a monthly closest to the pin contest.   Details to follow.

New Business

Updates to the Procedures document need to be completed by February 21 so that they may be distributed prior to the Annual Meeting.

Proposed updates to the Bylaws will be finalized by February 21 for distribution prior to the Annual Meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 PM.