Minutes September 29, 2017

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:40 PM.  Board members present were Eric Kuhn, Bill Thompson, Mike Miner, Jim Ghrist, Richard Webb and Terry Bailey.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the July 14, 2017 Board meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Mike Miner updated the treasurer’s report which was accepted with no comments.  No significant changes from past reports.
The President’s Cup signup sheet is up on the board.  The event will be held Oct 25th and 27th.  The entry fee is TBD but ~$32.
Social Chairman’s Report
Richard Webb shared the following items:
·       The annual picnic was a success with 38 attendees.  In response to an increase in the parking costs for use of Paris Mountain State Park Richard talk with Toskey and will investigate alternate potential locations for the 2016 picnic.
·       The Christmas party, headed by Eric Kuhn with Richard Webb assisting, will be held at the Hyatt on December 5th.
·       The next Dine Around will be held October 24th at Boca Italian restaurant.  Richard has arranged for us to have the whole place to ourselves.  Price will be $30 per person.
New Business
A special committee has been created for the purpose of creating and maintaining a Golden Boy Facebook page.  Art McMaster will be head of the committee.
Board member nominations interest for next year will be solicited during the next week in preparation for Board election in November.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PM.