Board Minutes March 29, 2017

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:45 PM. Board members present were Eric Kuhn, Mike Miner, Bill Thompson, Jim Ghrist, Richard Webb and Terry Bailey.
Special Topics
A special meeting of the Board was called to discuss on course conduct regarding playing by the agreed Golden Boys rules and maintaining the desired collegial and pleasant atmosphere between all members.
It will be emphasized to all that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure all members adhere to the rules. Golf is after all supposed to be a game of gentlemen.  There is a special responsibility of the scorekeeper in each group to accurately score all individuals according to the set rules to make certain Golden Boy play is fair to all.
The board determined that the Golden Boy Cup parking space will be awarded to the Low Net player from the Golden Boy Championship, for at least 2017 and until the policy may be changed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.