The meeting was called to order at 8:05 AM. Board members present: Eric Kuhn (President), Mike Miner (VP & Treasurer), Bill Thompson (Golf Chairman), Jim Ghrist (Assistant Golf Chairman), Richard Webb (Dine-A-Round Chairman), and Terry Bailey (Secretary).
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes from the March 2, 2016 meeting where approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
A Golden Boys of Pebble Creek 2017 Directory will be distributed electronically to all members. Those members not having an email address will be mailed a physical copy.
For 2017, there are 77 golf members and 15 social members. Mike Miner suggested that if membership continues to drop it will become necessary to raise dues.
The 2017 proposed budget was distributed to the membership for their review. The membership approved the 2017 proposed budget.
Dine-A-Round Report:
Dine-a-Round attendance in 2016 averaged only 35 people including significant others, a continued decline from previous years. There will be three dine-a-rounds this year (as the first had to be cancelled due to the closure of the Grill Room). The dates for the next two events are :
— April 18 at the Clubhouse Grille
— October at City Range
Discussion to be had next year regarding the viability of the dine-a-round program and whether to continue with support for this function.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Bill handed out member’s interclub event results. Sign-up support is good so far for all but two venues. He encouraged members to sign up as alternates. A change in interclub sign up process will allow any interclub roster not filled when it is posted on the Golden Boys bulletin board to be opened to the PC membership who are 55 and older.
The 2017 Golden Boy tournament schedule was distributed. Bill encouraged everyone to participate in the Match Play tournament which has a new more flexible playing date rule to make it easier for participants. Also encouraged was participation in the Golden Boy Championship, which as a handicap event gives all Golden Boys a fair chance to win.
Bill outlined the change in the rule-of-10 requirement to play in GB events to allow, with Board approval, those persons working full time to play without satisfying the rule-of-10.
The board has approved the Red tee age lowered to 75 years old. This is not mandatory and any Golden Boy can choose to play from the Black or White tees with the appropriate handicap calculated.
Eric recapped the special meeting held Feb 1 at which it was voted to discontinue collection of money for the Golden Boy Cup awards. The Golden Boy Cup for 2017 will be voluntary. An email will be sent to the membership for sign-up. A meeting will be scheduled later this month for all those wishing to participate in the voluntary GB cup. Those participating in the GB Cup will formulate the rules, points, awards etc.
Normal Golden Boy weekday play was discussed.
– Regarding the ongoing need to speed up play, suggestions were solicited from those present to be shared with Bill.
– PC management encouraged us not to play threesomes on Creekside, and to always let the pro shop know what the furthest back starting hole will be. To avoid congestion with non-GB play encouragement was given to start on your assigned hole and not go further back. In addition, the request was made to play Linkside on Mondays and Creekside on Fridays to help the pro shop schedule play more efficiently. Eric will coordinate with Bill Robinson.
– Golden Boys are encouraged to be polite when potentially running into slow non-GB players. Call the pro shop rather than confrontation with other players.
Member/Guest Tournament
Gene Witherspoon reported that this year’s Member/Guest event is scheduled for June 5 & 6, 2017. He passed out sign sales packets and indicated that the sign-up sheet and schedule will be posted on the Bulletin Board. In addition to the info distributed Gene emphasized that even if you are not currently able to field a team or have reverted to social membership, you may still be eligible to receive a tee gift logo garment by securing two sponsorships for the tournament. With the retirement of our premier salesman, Dick Davis, there are quite a few on his list that he will be assigning to volunteer salesmen so that we don’t lose these faithful sponsors. (See below.)
Because we have lost many of our regulars this past year, fielding enough teams to form four flights may be a challenge in 2017. So, Gene is hoping to recruit some new Golden Boys participants from among you who may not have tweaked on what a good deal this tournament offers! If you don’t play because finding a teammate is the problem, several of our former Golden Boys golfers who played in past tournaments are now eligible as guests and you may be able to recruit one of them. Among them are: Greg Martens, Ken Hemm, Hub Castles, Ed Elmore, Howard Payne, Jerry Wehr and Rocky Robinson. Tim Long, Art McMaster and George Pike have reverted to social membership, and if not currently golf members of Pebble Creek, would also be eligible. All three are Member Guest veterans. Additionally, Gene has several other potential partners from Thornblade Country Club’s Silver Blades that he can try to recruit. Get on the bandwagon for this “best deal in town!”
Dick Davis Sponsor List: Still available are Dixie Rubber & Plastics, Gary Sullivan & Associates, Henry’s Smokehouse, Mythos, National Bank of SC, Oakleaf Village, Outback Steakhouse, Peddlers Restaurant, The Open Hearth, Tito’s Pizza, Matty’s ABC Store (formerly Tony’s) and Josey’s. Additionally available are Howard Payne’s Canopy Carwash and Curt Irish’s Health Source Chiropractic & Progressive Wellness. First come first served on these potential sponsors.
Bylaws Amendment:
As a result of requests from some Golden Boys’ a discussion and vote was taken regarding changing the bylaws to specifically allow proxy votes to be cast for regular and special meetings. Discussion was had and a vote taken. The result was a 31-14 vote in favor of allowing proxy voting. This was not sufficient to meet the 2/3 majority requirement and so the proposal was defeated. The vote on proxies was inadvertently indicated as failing because it did not meet the 2/3 of those present criteria. A review of the bylaws indicates that only 2/3 of votes cast is required was met and the proposal passed.
Therefore, the following amendment will be made to the bylaws to read as follows: (new part underlined):
Section IV-3 of the bylaws to read as follows:
Section IV.3–QUORUMS & VOTES. For the purpose of amending these bylaws, a quorum of 51% of the membership and approval by 2/3 of the votes cast is required. For other routine business (after due notice has been given), a quorum shall consist of those members in attendance, and approval by a simple majority of votes cast is required. A member may delegate their voting power to another member (proxy) by submitting a signed authorization to a Board Member before the meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 AM