Board Minutes January 4, 2017

Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 2:35 PM. Board members present were Eric Kuhn, Mike Miner, Bill Thompson, Jim Ghrist, Richard Webb and Terry Bailey.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the December 2, 2016 Board meeting were approved.
Treasure’s Report:
Mike Miner presented the treasures report, including the preliminary final financial statement for 2016.  The Golden Boys were within budget for 2016.
The proposed budget for 2017 was presented.  This budget reflects the reduced number of Golden Boys members and the continued reduction in participation in Golden Boys events across the board, including the Christmas Party.  Although reviews of the party were very favorable, attendance was down by 30% from recent past years.   The motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the proposed budget for 2017.
Mike proposed the Golden Boy dues remain at $25 for full members and $10 for social members and $15 for hole-in-one insurance for those not already enrolled.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the proposal.
Membership dues announcement will be emailed by Conde Sargent by January 10th.  The dues must be paid for Golden Boy members by February 1, 2017.
Golden Boys Annual Directory
Conde Sargent has again graciously put together the 2017 “Golden Boys Annual Directory.” To have the 2017 Directory available for distribution at the Golden Boys annual breakfast it is critical that any additions or changes to the directory information for each member by February 1st, 2017 along with the dues checks.
Golden Boys Annual Meeting and Breakfast
The annual Golden Boys meeting and breakfast will be held in the Grill Room on March 8th.  Breakfast will be available starting at 7:30am and the meeting will begin at 8:30.

Social Chairman’s Report
Richard Webb will deliver a packet of information, personally if possible, to each new Golden Boys member.
Richard has crafted a preliminary Dine-Around schedule for 2017.  To increase attendance some new ideas are being tried along with new venues.  The first event will be held January 31st at 5pm in the Grill Room.  This will be a heavy hors d’oeuvres happy hour for $20, with cash bar.  Additional dine-arounds are planned for March, April and October with dates to be fixed and shared soon.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Bill Thompson reported that the inter-club dates have been set for 2017 and will be sent to the Golden Boys membership along with the inter-club selection forms.  Bill will email the interclub selection form to the membership by January 20th.  The form must be returned to Bill promptly but no later than February 17th so that he has time to finalize the interclub participants by the Golden Boys annual breakfast meeting which is scheduled for March 8, 2017.  The 10-play rule will apply to determine those Golden Boys eligible to play in the interclub events.  10 plays must be achieved prior to the 1st club event of the year unless a waiver has been requested by the member to the board and granted.
As always we need volunteer captains for the 2016 Golden Boys Match Play event and the Golden Boys President’s Cup event.  If you are willing to help with these events, please contact Bill.
A calendar of 2016 events will be put together and distributed to the membership.
The “gimme” tape will be maintained on the flagsticks and members should use this routinely to determine if a putt should be given.
Bill will publish a clear statement of the Golden Boys Local Rules of Golf by email in the near future.
Old Business
Golden Boy Cup
–       The vote taken along with the election of board members for 2017 indicated a majority of Golden Boys voting wished the board to explore alternative to the Golden Boys Cup format toward the goal of increasing participation in all Golden Boys golf events.  An alternative proposal will be presented at the annual meeting for vote to either support the Golden Boys Cup or eliminate it entirely.  If the program is eliminated, all monies collected for this year prior to the annual meeting will be refunded to the winners during the MWF play.
The Golden Boys generously put together $380 for a Christmas thank you gift to the Grill Room staff which routinely serves us each day.  It was very much appreciated.
New Business
Tee box selection by Golden Boys was clarified.
–       Any Golden Boy may choose to play from the white tees with the appropriate handicap adjustment.
–       Golden Boys aged 75 or greater may choose to play from the red tees with the appropriate handicap adjustment.  Note that this is a reduction from the previous age requirement of 80 years and reflects the norm used in the inter-club events and other local organizations.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 PM.