Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:40 PM. Board members present were Mike Toskey, Dave Bogniard, Bill Ross, Mike Miner, and Eric Kuhn.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the July 8, 2015 Board meeting were approved.
Treasure’s Report:
Treasurer Dave Bogniard presented the financial statement and budget. Dave reported that we were on target for this year’s budget and that the Hole-in-One Fund is in good shape for this year. However, there have been a number of hole-in-ones this year and the fund is being depleted. Dave suggested that for 2016 that there should be an assessment for the Hole-In-One insurance fund.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Bill Ross and Mike Miner reported that the three interclub tournaments (Mountain Interclub, Cummings Cove and the Carolina Interclub) hosted by the Golden Boys at Pebble Creek Country Club were successful. The three events were slightly over budget due to food and beverage fees.
The Mountain Interclub will probably not be active in 2016 because Hendersonville and Kenmure dropped out this year leaving only Pebble Creek and Cliffs Valley. The golf chairman will contact Cliffs Valley and some other courses to see if they would want to host a home-and-home tournaments in 2016, similar to what we do with Cummings Cove.
Dine-A-Round Chairman’s Report
Mike Toskey reported that the Annual Golden Boys Picnic was a success with 45 attendees. Mike reported that attendance was down somewhat from previous years. The annual picnic was a little over budget due to increased State Park entrance fees from previous years.
The last Dine-A-Round at Della Ventura’s was attended by 37.
The next Dine-A-Round will be at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse Grill on October 27, 2015.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
The Board is seeking at least four nominees to fill the two completed terms of existing Board members. An email will be sent to potential nominees to confirm that they are willing to serve if elected. The Board member election will be completed by November 30, 2015. The new Board members will take office at the December 2015 Board meeting. The new Board President will be introduced by the outgoing President Mike Toskey at the Golden Boys Christmas Party.
Bill Ross moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Dave Bogniard. The meeting was adjourned at 2:38 PM.