Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM. Board members present: Jay Gaskin, Dave Bogniard, Larry Clee, Curt Irish, Mike Toskey, Bill Ross, and Mike Miner. Eric Kuhn absent due to medical reasons.
Old Business
1.The minutes from the November meeting were approved as written.
2. Christmas party – 152 attendees including complimentary guests. Lynn accepted our invitation. Our guarantee was 85.
3. Jay said he would come back as a guest if he is needed to explain past business of the board. He left thumb drives for the new President and golf chairman. These drives include all past meetings and events notes.
4. Curt said he will provide the new secretary with an electronic format for meeting minutes.
5. Jay and Curt excused themselves.
Treasurer’s Report
Dave provided the board with copies of documents and a report on the current status of the Golden Boy finances. After a brief discussion his report and the documents were accepted as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report
1. Bill Ross stated that interclubs will be following same approximate dates as last year. They are trying to get Smithfield or Willow Creek to take the place of Thornblade.We may change the date of our home mountain interclub from 6/26 to 5/9 to accommodate Cliff’s Valley plan to renovate their greens in 2015.
2. All major tournaments will follow same format as last year. Dates for the Member Guest, GB championship, and President’s Cup need to be secured and put on the master calendar.
Dine-A-Round Chairman’s Report
Dine-around last Tuesday of month. Will try to get first one at Pebble Creek.
New Business
1. Duties and responsibilities discussed. Results:
Larry Clee-President.-will act as liaison with Lynn and GM to present GB scheduling and concerns.
Mike Toskey-VP-will continue as Dine-Around chair and picnic chair.
Dave Bogniard-Treasurer
Bill Ross- Golf Chairman-Interclub scheduling , event scheduling
Mike Miner-assistant Golf Chair-Ryder Cup and Championship. (Irish will do match play, Witherspoon will do Member Guest)
Eric Kuhn-Secretary
New Items discussed:
1.Next meeting scheduled for 1-07-2015. Try to finalize schedule of events and membership info so Conde can get member directory done for March breakfast meeting and the Interclub schedule can be sent to members for their selections. It was decided that the same criteria be used as in this past season.
1. Discuss opening of locker rooms with GM, Lynn and Tony. Pro shop could open these in the am. Tony’s staff or pro shop lock up in evening. There are too many members at the club in the hours before the clubhouse is open to rely on the 1 bathroom in the Pro shop.
2. Explore possibilities of providing ice water @ pro shop when clubhouse is closed.
3. Mow grass around lower practice green at apron height to improve that practice area. Apron can be mowed when staff mows #1 ladies tee in links.
4. Roxanne Cordonier contacted Miner about a list of golf course maintenance concerns. She requested to meet with the board for discussion. It was decided that a committee be formed with a member from each : Golden Boys, Ladies 9 holers, Ladies 18, Clubs Men’s association, and prominent play groups. This committee would meet with GM to voice concerns. Each of the groups need to submit their schedule of events to the GM so the club can develop a master calendar with all events and maintenance schedules coordinated.
5. Bud Batcheldor would like the Golden Boys to volunteer some time to help maintenance crew with course beautification. Mulch, weeds and divots were some of Bud’s suggestions. It was mentioned that Lynn is not interested in this type of program. The overall membership needs to do a better job on filling their divots.
6. Discussion on raising dues by a dollar to over increased expenses in 2015. All interclub prices and related expenses are expected to rise in 2015. A 50/50 could also be run every quarter to increase revenue.
7. We need to address a way to increase interest in some of the interclubs.
Bill Ross moves to adjoin meeting. Dave Bogniard seconds. All approve 4PM.