Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:25 PM. Board members present: Jay Gaskin, Larry Clee, Bill Ross, Dave Bogniard, and Curt Irish. Guests present: Chuck Hite and Conde Sargent
Treasurer’s Report
Dave provided the board with copies of documents and a report on the current status of the Golden Boy finances. His report and the documents were accepted as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report
Bill and Jay met previously with Merv Moeller and reviewed Merv’s after action report on the Match Play Tournament. Everyone agreed that the tournament format of regularly scheduled days and tee times for play worked very well. Next year’s event will be chaired by Curt Irish and the same format will be used. Dates will be established following the publication of the Carolina Interclub schedule for 2015.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report
In Mike’s absence, Jay reported that the next Dine Around is scheduled for August.
New Business
Chuck and Conde were asked to attend the meeting to provide assistance in resolving the issue of how to properly handicap red and black tee play in order to make it as fair as possible. Bill and Chuck each reviewed the USGA method for handicapping “mixed-tee” events which are what the Golden Boys implement during regular weekly play and tournament play. The USGA rule covering “mixed-tee” play requires that strokes be either subtracted from the forward tee (red) player’s handicap or added to the back tee (black) player’s handicap. The USGA method for handicapping “mixed-tee” events states that the tee where the majority of players are playing from determines which handicaps are changed. Since the majority of the Golden Boys play from the black tees, it will be the red tee handicaps that are changed. The difference in course rating between the tees is used to determine the number of strokes to be subtracted. In the case of our two courses that works out to be 3 strokes on Creekside and 2 strokes on Linkside.
Creekside ratings:
Black tees 66.3
Red tees 62.9
Difference 3.4 strokes (rounded to nearest whole=3)
Linkside ratings:
Black tees 68.0
Red tees 66.2
Difference 1.8 stokes (rounded to nearest whole=2)
Conde will make those changes and the corrected red tee handicaps will be posted on the web site and bulletin board. This change will become effective July 1st.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
—Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish acting as Secretary