Golden Boys Board Meeting — April 11, 2014

Call To Order–Meeting was called to order at 2:02 PM, Board members present were Jay Gaskin, Larry Clee, Bill Ross, Tom Moeller, Dave Bogniard, and Curt Irish.
Approval Of Minutes–Minutes of the February 19th board meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report–Tom provided a detailed report on the expenses paid and monies taken in since the last meeting.  The report was approved and accepted as presented.  The GB roster will be updated by Tom and forwarded to the board members.  The duties of the office of Treasurer were formally transferred to Dave and Tom left the meeting.
Golf Chairman’s Report—A new scoring system for the club competition has been approved by the Mountain Interclub golf chairs and will be implemented this year.
Assistant Golf Chairman’s Report–The Holly Tree Interclub field is full and the player list will be posted.  The Mountain Interclub scheduled for PCC on May 9th is being planned by Bill and Larry and the player list for that event will be posted.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report–In Mike’s absence, Jay reported that the Dine Around this month is scheduled for City Range.
New Business
— Dave Bogniard was welcomed as the new Treasurer and Curt Irish was welcomed as the temporary Secretary.
—   Curt reported that the Match Play format will be the same as last year with set dates of play and tee times.  That information has been provided to the pro shop.  Two additional days have been set aside as rain out dates.  A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board.
—   Results of the membership vote on the “10 round rule” were reported by Jay.  The results were 20 votes in favor of keeping the rule as written and 18 votes in favor of adjusting it for those GBs who work.  The rule will remain as written.  The board discussed some possible compromises to this rule to be considered prior to the 2015 golf season.
—  Jay reported that Merv Moeller has been keeping track of individual golf play by the GBs and that all those signed up for Holly Tree will most likely have the necessary 10 rounds completed in time for the tournament.
— Jay reviewed a letter sent by Tom Zix, Chairman of the Carolina Interclub organization to Lyn Young expressing concern over the poor conditions of the course and the effect that is having on the participation level of the member clubs from the Carolina Interclub group.  The only club that had less participation than PCC in their interclub event was Greenwood.
— A new tee option was offered at the Fox Run interlub event on Monday and it went well and will be continued at subsequent interclub events.
— There was discussion about making the change from moving the ball “through the green” to regular summer rules where the ball can only be moved in your own fairway.  Larry and Bill will make that decision and announce it to the membership at that time.
— Jay read a thank you card from the Foothills Family Resources organization thanking the  board for their donation in the name of Georgia Witherspoon.

—   The Clubhouse Grille will start offering draft beer specials on Miller Light and Yuengling  to the GBs following golf on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The price for a pint of either beer will be $2.25.
Adjournment–The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish acting as Secretary