Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting–August 21, 2013

Call to order:
President Wendell Alderman called the meeting to order at 1:00  p.m.   Board members Wendell Alderman, Larry Clee, Mike Toskey and Dave Postlewaite were in attendance.

Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the July board meeting were reviewed and approved by all present.

Treasurer’s Report:
Last month’s Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted.

Golf Chairman’s Report:
Larry Clee stated that several of our members have reported that some players are not recording their scores at the end of play.  It was suggested that a computer run be completed to see where scores are missing and that some action be taken to correct this problem.

Dine Around Chairman’s Report:
Mike Toskey reported that the August Dine Around held at the Pebble Creek Grille on Tuesday was a success and enjoyed by all in attendance.
The Board has approved a new policy for submitting payments for future Dine Around events.  As we do for our Interclub events, attendees must submit their payment 48 hours prior to the Dine Around in order to be included in the event.  This step is being taken to ensure a more accurate count for meal preparation by the restaurants and hopefully eliminate the need for our organization to pay for meals ordered but not used.
The annual picnic will be held at Paris Mountain on September 19th at a cost of $11 per person for members and their spouse or guest and $15 for each additional guest.
Old Business:
New Business:
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:33 p.m.