Minutes of July 17, 2013, Board Meeting.

Call to order:
President Wendell Alderman called the meeting to order at 2:05  p.m.   Board members Wendell Alderman, Jay Gaskin, Larry Clee and Dave Postlewaite were in attendance.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the June board meeting were reviewed and approved by all present.
Treasurer’s Report:
Last month’s Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted.  Wendell reported for Tom Moeller that the balance is distorted because the Club has not cashed two checks for member guest expenses totaling $2,644.15.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Jay Gaskin reported that the Golden Boys Championship dates with be September 25th and 27th with a starting time of 9:00 a.m. on both days.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:
Wendell reported for Mike Toskey that the Dine Around for August will be held at the Pebble Creek  Clubhouse Grille with details to be announced in the near future.
Old Business:None
New Business:
The Alzheimer’s Association is looking for a sponsor for their golf tournament.  The Board will pass the information on to the golf pro.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.