Golden Boys Board Meeting Minutes February 6, 2013

Call to Order:
President Wendell Alderman called the meeting to order at 3 :OOpm. Board members present were: Alderman, Moellar, Gaskins, Clee and Hemm.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes from Jan. 2013 were approved and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tom Moeller reported $1,235.00 income and 55 paid up as of this date. Vote to pay $8.00 for annual members breakfast approved.
Golf Chairman Report:
Jay Gaskins is compiling the interclub selections and will notify members of their assignments at the annual meeting.
Dine Around Report:
The first dine around is at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse on Feb. 26.
Social Chairman Report:
No new members.
Old Business:
1. Rocky Robinson addressed the board and showed the expenses from last year. Rocky will again chair the championship with Larry Clee assisting. Voted and approved to change the date to Sept. 25 – 27, 2013.
2. Final arrangements for the annual meeting have been completed.
New Business:
1. Wendell relayed information from Jim Crain regarding the Christmas party. Voted to pay the $150.00 deposit at the Hyatt, with the date of the party to be Dec. 10.
2. Proposed rule changes for the 2013 directory. Approved as read and reread.
3. Proposal to amend By-Laws as follows:
Section III.2-DUES.  Annual dues shall be for the fiscal year of January 1 through December 31.  The amount shall be set by the Board and announced by the Treasurer to the membership by December 1 each year.
This proposed change will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting for a vote.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.