Call to order:
Outgoing president Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:50 p.m. with all board members present, including newly elected board members: Mike Toskey and Larry Clee.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the November board meeting were approved. Outgoing president Curt Irish then turned the meeting over to the new board.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tom Moeller reported no new income. The financial statement was approved as presented.
Old Business:
Christmas Party; all arrangements have been made.
New Business:
Board Member Election; Mike Toskey and Larry Clee were welcomed as new board members. Organization of new board:
President – Wendell Alderman
Vice President/ Golf Chairman – Jay Gaskin
Secretary – Ken Hemm
Treasurer – Tom Moeller
Social Chairman/Golf Assistant – Larry Clee
Dine Around – Mike Toskey
– Mike Toskey requested the board buy a divot repair tool for members. This was approved, with Larry Clee to provide price quote at next board meeting.
– Ken Hemm asked the board to approve solicitation of donations from members to aid the Greer Soup kitchen. This was approved.
– Discussions were held regarding committee chairmen and event captains for the coming year. This will be finalized at the January 2013 board meeting.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:30p.m.