Call to order:
President Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. with all board members present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the October board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tom provided a detailed report of all expenses which were approved by the board.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
Wendell Alderman reported that 20 of our members attended the Greenville Country Club Interclub on October 31st. This was the last interclub of the year.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:
Ken Hemm reported the last Dine Around of the year was held at Rick Erwins and was well attended by 74 members and guests.
Social Chairman’s Report:
Jay Gaskin reported no new members this month.
Old Business:
An update on the election of officers was given. To date, 58 members have submitted their vote. A reminder will be sent out to members this Friday with the deadline for voting being midnight, Friday, November 16th.
New Business:
The Christmas Party will be held at the Hyatt downtown Greenville on Tuesday, December 11th. The cost to members and their spouse or other guest will be $32 per person. Any additional guests will be charged $40 per person.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.