Minutes, Board Meeting, Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Call to order:   President Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.  Board members present were Curt Irish, Wendell Alderman, Tom Moeller, Jay Gaskin and Ken Hemm.
Pre-meeting reports:
Jim Pearson and Jim Crain updated the board on the plans for the 2012 Christmas Party.  The event will be held at the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Greenville with a cost of $32 per person.  This year’s party will be enhanced by the completion of the remodeling of the hotel and the opportunity to view the Christmas trees on display in the lobby.
–Art McMaster provided the board with a summary report on the 2012 Match Play Tournament.  The major problem identified by Art was the length of time required to complete play.  The board discussed Art’s recommendations and Merv Moeller and Curt Irish agreed to head up the 2013 tournament with the goal of reducing the time required to complete the tournament.  The board recognized and noted their appreciation for Art’s efforts in running this tournament over the past two years.
Approval of Minutes:  The minutes from the September meeting were approved as submitted.
Secretary’s Report:  The minutes for the September board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:  Tom Moeller provided a detailed report of all expenses for the last month which were approved by the board.
Golf Chairman’s Report:  Wendell Alderman reported that the SC Interclub tournament scheduled for Pebble Creek was cancelled due to rain.  The GBs will be sending 11 players to the Greenwood CC Interclub scheduled for October 11.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report:  Ken Hemm reported that the October Dine Around will be held at Rick Erwin’s in downtown Greenville.  Detailed information will posted on the web site and the bulletin board.
Social Chairman:  Jay Gaskin reported that there was no new activity during the past month.
Old Business: Changes to the personal information displayed on the GB web site have been completed.  Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and home addresses have been removed for privacy considerations.
Jay presented the Golf Captain Guidelines for final comment and discussion.  A few changes were made and the final draft will be forwarded to Conde and a copy placed in the Captain’s notebook located in the pro shop.
The board recommended that the red tees be available for play in all GB tournaments, but not for interclub tournaments.
New Business:  The board reviewed the list of GB approved games identified in the Golf Rules.  The list of approved games was simplified to reflect those games that are enjoyed by the majority of GBs and are played regularly during the year.
The board recommended that the rules governing play on Linkside #12 be restated to be sure that everyone knows that the longer grass on the hill past the 150 yd marker be treated as fairway.  Players are allowed to move their ball 1 club length in that area.
The board reviewed a request made to the Member/Guest Committee that daughters and daughter-in-laws of GBs be eligible for the tournament.  The board agreed and will recommend this change to the Member/Guest Committee.
Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:06 p.m.–Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish, acting as Secretary.