Golden Boys Board Meeting-April 11, 2012

Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:03 PM
Board members present were Irish, Moeller, Alderman, Gaskin, and Hemm
Approval Of Minutes
No minutes were taken at the annual meeting held in March.
Treasurer’s Report
Tom provided a detailed report on the expenses paid since the last meeting and all were routine with the exception of payment for the renewal of the GB web site domain which is a payment made every 2 years.  The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Golf Chairman’s Report
Wendell forwarded a request by the golf captains in July that the board provide some money for a 4th of July tournament since the holiday falls one of our regular golf days.  Following discussion the board voted not to fund such an event.
–We will be sending 16 players to the Fox Run interclub tournament on Monday, April 23rd
Preparations are being made for the Mountain Interclub tournament to be hosted at Pebble Creek on May 16th.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report
Ken reported that he received good feedback regarding the dine around last month at Carrabba’s.  The April dine around is scheduled for the 24th at The City Range.  Ken is seeking recommendations for dine around locations for August and October.
Social Chairman’s Report
Jay recommended that all board members carry GB directories in their golf bags so that they can be provided to new members in a timely fashion.  He will consult with Conde on  getting additional directories.
Old Business
New Business
–The board discussed purchasing a sign for the upcoming charity golf tournament on May 6th for the PC swim team.  Following discussion the board approved the purchase of one sign at a cost of $100.  Conde will be asked to supply a copy of the GB logo for the sign.
–The board agreed to purchase a birthday cake in celebration of John Mickler’s 90th birthday on Friday, April 20th.  The cake will be served following golf that day.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish, acting as Secretary