Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 2:45 PM. Board members present were Irish, Moeller, Alderman, Gaskin, and Hemm
Christmas Party Update
Jim Pearson and Jim Crain provided an update on the planning for the 2012 Christmas party. They provided a contract they had negotiated with The Hyatt Hotel and the board approved them to go ahead and sign it.
Approval Of Minutes
Minutes from the January 2012 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted. Included in the report was a $24.50 charge for checks from the Travelers Rest Bank. Tom is going to see about getting that waived as we have not paid for checks in the past. Tom also explained some formatting changes he has made to the financial report. At present 69 members have paid their dues for 2012. Tom said he would make some reminder phone calls to members who have not yet paid.
Golf Chairman’s Report
Golf Chairman Wendell Alderman noted that today was the deadline for interclub choice forms from members. He has received forms from 53 members and he and Jay Gaskin will compile the selections and complete the tournament assignments in time for the annual meeting on March 7th.
The Mountain Interclub will be modifying their tournaments this year to include a club vs club tournament within the regular 4 man, 2 best ball tournament.
The date for changing the start time for our regular weekly golf will be Monday, April 2nd.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report
Ken Hemm reported that sign up for the February Dine Around at the Clubhouse Grill is going well. The Dine Arounds for March and April are tentatively in place and will be announced soon.
Social Chairman’s Report
Jay Gaskin reported that he has received approval to locate the Golden Boys Library in the pro shop. As soon as he finds a bookcase that will accommodate the books and videos he will relocate the library from his home to the pro shop.
Old Business
Final arrangements for the annual meeting in March have been completed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
—–Respectfully submitted by Curt Irish acting as Secretary\