Call to order:
President Curt Irish called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm. with all board members present in addition to newly elected board members Jay Gaskin and Ken Hemm.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes for the November board meeting were reviewed and approved by all members and have been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Financial Statement was approved as presented. Outgoing Treasurer, Bob Arnold, briefed the board on the process of transitioning to a new treasurer. The Board thanked Bob for a job well done during his three year of service to the Golden Boys.
Old Business:
Christmas Party: All arrangements have been made.
New Business:
Board Member Election: Jay Gaskin and Ken Hemm were elected as new board members. Organization of new board:
President – Curt Irish
Vice President/Golf Chairman – Wendell Alderman
Secretary – Dave Postlewaite
Treasurer – Tom Moeller
Social Chairman/Golf Assistant – Jay Gaskin
Dine Around – Ken Hemm
In an effort to improve our current Dine Around program, a survey will be sent to members requesting their input into possible changes. The survey will be returned to Ken Hemm by February 1st. The results of the survey will be discussed at our next board meeting on January 11, 2012.
Discussions were held with regard to planning our Annual Meeting to be held on March 7, 2012. Information will be sent to members when details are finalized.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m.