Meeting was called to order at 2:50 PM. Board members present were Irish, Moeller and Alderman.
Rocky Robinson gave a wrap-up report on the Golden Boys Championship Tournament that was held July 18 & 20. Rocky has agreed to be Tournament Director again for 2012.
Minutes of the October Board meeting were approved as submitted. The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Curt Irish as golf chairman reported on the final interclub tournament that was held at Greenville CC. Irish and Alderman attended the meeting for the Carolina Interclubs chaired by Tom Zix. Tom will send us a copy of his report when completed.
Tom Moeller reported on the Dine Arounds for 2011. The board voted to eliminate the Dine Around for January 2012.
Wendell Alderman reported on Social Committee. We have had no new members in the past month. Notification was sent out to all members regarding the deaths of John Macrae and Karen Macrae. No other issues at this time.
Under old business, the upcoming Christmas Party was discussed. We are hoping for a large turnout for this event as we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Golden Boys.
The Herm George Service Award was discussed.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM. –Wendell Alderman, Acting as Secretary