Call to order: President Teevan called the meeting to order at 1:45 pm. with all board members present.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes for the March Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved by all members. The minutes have also been posted on the Golden Boys website.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Arnold reported that all members have paid their dues for 2011. The Financial Report was reviewed and approved as presented.
Golf Chairman’s Report: All plans for the first Carolina Interclub have been made and planning for the Mountain Interclub is in the process of being completed.
Since both of our courses have been reserved for an outing on April 25th, Curt will look for another location for our regular Monday golf.
Dine Around Chairman’s Report: Tom Moeller reported that all venues have been planned for this year. Tom continues to work at keeping prices low without sacrificing quality.
Old Business:
It had been suggested at the Annual Meeting that a separate 9 hole group should be considered. Due to lack of interest, the board suggested that anyone interested in such an activity, should do so on their own but to let Conde Sargent know so he can post the information on our website.
New Business:
Slow play has been addressed and will be monitored by Curt and reminders will be given prior to matches.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.