Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 10 November 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 3:07 PM.  All Board members were present.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the October Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for October had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that all Interclub events had been completed.  The Mountain Interclub (Cliffs Valley, Hendersonville & Kenmure) dates have been set, essentially same days of months as this year.   The Carolina Interclub representatives will meet next week to set those dates.  Ron reported on a member’s recommendation that match play be returned to individual play rather than two-man teams.  The Board agreed that this recommendation made sense based on the problems this year getting all four competitors lined up to play when a match was required.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite had nothing to report on the social front but did initiate discussion in a couple of areas covered below under new business.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the dine a-round schedule for 2010 has been completed.   He recommended that the chairman next year consider adding the Stax Grille and return to City Range.   He recommended that we drop High Cotton.
  • Old Business:  An offer was received to repair and refinish the Golden Boys bulletin board for $100.  The Board agreed to accept the offer and limit work to $150 if there was a need to modify the scope of work.
  • New Business:

o       Board Election Update:  The secretary reported that 81 Golden Boys had cast ballots for the two new board members and one Golden Boy had abstained.   He will send out a second reminder in an attempt to get more voter participation before the deadline of 20 November.

o       Ryder Cup Review:   Dave Postlewaite reported that the Ryder Cup competition was well received by the membership.   He intends to make next years’ event a “Presidents Cup” competition and adjust the rules as necessary to put them in line with that tournament.

o       Interclub Tournament Entry Procedures:  Based on the October Board meeting determination that procedures for interclub selection be modified, Ron Teevan presented proposed details for Mountain and Carolina Interclub selection.   After discussion, it was decided that the specifics be deferred for 2011 Board determination and that the new rules be promulgated in early 2011,  explained at the 2011 Annual Meeting and detailed in the 2011 Directory.

o       Possible Additional Home and Home Event:  Jim Cadieu was approached by a senior member of the Spartanburg Country Club with proposal that we consider initiation of a home and home event with them similar to the one we have with Cummings Cove.   The Board agreed that Jim and Ron Teevan follow up on this proposal and set up such an arrangement if it is feasible.

o       Herm George Service Award:  A nomination was made, seconded and approved for recipient of the Herm George Award for 2010 using the criteria approved at the July Board meeting to reach back and base the award on long term service to the Golden Boys.

o       Christmas Party Program:  Jim Cadieu began discussion of the Christmas party agenda and it was decided that he prepare a strawman program and send it to the Board members for suggested modifications.

  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.