Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, October 6, 2010

Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Jim Cadieu at 2:03 p.m.  All board members were present except for Gene Witherspoon.

Secretary’s Report – The minutes of the August board meeting were reviewed and approved by all board members.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written.  There was no board meeting held in September.

Treasurer’s Report – Financial reports from August and September were reviewed and approved by all board members.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the reports as submitted.

   Bob Arnold noted that we had not charged for hole-in-one insurance the past two years (except for new members).  However, the pay outs for the hole-in-one insurance in 2010 have depleted the fund to the point that we will need to once again require any Golden Boys wanting insurance in 2011 to purchase it.

   Bob delineated the costs of this years picnic.  It was noted that nobody had signed on to be chairman of the picnic in 2011.  Jim Cadieu said he would take on the chairmanship for 2011.

Golf Chairman’s Report – Ron Teevan reported that the Fox Run Interclub was cancelled due to the weather and will not be rescheduled.  Ron also reported that he had not received the formal invitation from Greenville C.C. For their interclub, but has gone ahead and will soon post the list of players for the tournament assuming the invitation from Greenville is forthcoming.

Social Chairman’s Report – Dave Postelwaite reported that there were no social activities planned for the upcoming month.

Dine A Round Chairman’s Report – Curt Irish noted that the last dine a round for the year is scheduled for October 26th at the Pebble Creek Grille.  Trish will have the menu information available on the 11th and Curt will get the information out to the membership.

Old Business – Replacement and/or refinishing the GB bulletin board was discussed and the board agreed to look into having the current board refinished.  Dave Postlewaite will take the lead on this project.

New Business – Pace of play for the GBs was discussed and it was felt that we should try going out in three man teams, instead of foursomes, to see if this would speed up play.  The three person  format will be piloted beginning on November 1st.  Also, it was noted that we will change the start time to 10:00 a.m. On November 1st.

   It was discussed and decided that we should change the rules governing the use of the black tees  and allow all GBs the opportunity to play from them.  It will be required, however, that whatever tees a player chooses for a given round, he must play them for the entire round.  Jim will send out an e-mail confirming this change.

   Dave Postlewaite provided an update on the organization efforts for the new Ryder Cup Tournament to be played later on October 20 and 22.  He said turn out has been good and that plans call for the selection of two captains who will select teams at the dinner to be held on the 19th.  Other ideas were discussed and Dave will work with Conde Sargent and Don Stewart to finalize the tournament formats, prizes, trophy, etc.

   Dave also brought up the idea of scheduling the GB Championship tournament the week following the Pebble Creek Club Championship.  This would take advantage of the course conditions prepared for the PCC Championship including GUR, OB, and Drop Zone markings.  This will be looked into further by Dave and Ron.

   Ron and Dave proposed changes to the interclub sign up procedure.  The changes were discussed extensively by the board.  A motion was made and seconded to make the following changes to the interclub procedure effective January 2011.

  • Interclub tournaments will be posted separately ,approximately 30 days prior to the event.  This will be done via e-mail, web site, and bulletin board.
  • Those GB interested in playing in the event must sign up and get their payment into the Golf Chairman within 14 days of the posting.
  • If more GBs sign up than there are openings, names will be drawn from those who signed up and those picked will be eligible for the tournament.  Those not drawn will be given first opportunity for the next interclub tournament.  This procedure will be done separately for the Mountain interclubs and the Carolina interclubs.  Example:  If a GB wanted to play Cliffs Valley and was not selected in the lottery drawing he would then have preference for the next Mountain interclub (e.g. Hendersonville C.C.).
  • Preferences will also be given to those GBs participating in home interclub matches.

  Ron and Dave will formalize these changes, publish them, and present them at the GB Annual meeting in March 2011.

  Ron explained that he and Tom Zix will be going to a meeting with representatives from all of the interclubs where there may be discussion of changing the Carolina Interclub format from two person teams to four person teams.  Ron asked for the board’s recommendation.  A motion was made and seconded to support this change.

Adjournment – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 3:15 p.m.Respectively submitted by Curt Irish