Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 6 August 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM.  All Board members were present except Dave Postlewaite.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the July Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for July had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.  Bob Arnold reported that the US flag approved at last board meeting had been purchased for $70 and presented to the PCC.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that Furman interclub (31 August) list will be posted today.  He will post the Hendersonville Mountaininterclub (27 August) list as soon as he gets the green light from his Hendersonville contact.  Ron raised a possible change to handling of interclub assignments for 2011 and after much discussion, it was decided to table the proposal for decision at a future board meeting after Ron and Dave Postlewaite, next year’s golf chairman, prepare a written proposal of the desired changes for review by the board.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan relayed from Dave Postlewaite that there was nothing to report.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the announcement and menu are out for the 31 August dine a-round at High Cotton.
  • Old Business:  None
  • New Business:  Bob Arnold passed on a recommendation from a Golden Boy that we consider reimbursing the Club House Grille for the cost of paper cups used to provide Golden Boys ice water before our rounds.  A motion was made and seconded that we not buy cups but instead provide the Clubhouse Grille with a $50 check in appreciation of the support they provide to the Golden Boys.
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM.