Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting, 2 June 2010

  • Call to Order:  President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM.  All Board members were present except Bob Arnold.
  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the May Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
  • Treasurers Report:  The financial report for May had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved.
  • Golf Chairman’s Report:  Ron Teevan reported that the Cummings Cove home and home at Pebble Creek was successfully conducted.  Cliffs Valley is our next interclub and there is a long list of alternates.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that the black tee option has been well received by most Golden Boys.   He reported that he will contact Golden Boys who have a personal or family medical problem before announcing the details to make sure they do not object.
  • Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report:  Curt Irish reported that the May dine a-round at Justin’s had 71 attendees and comments were generally favorable.  High Cotton is the venue for August and he is negotiating the menu, seating and other details with his contact at the restaurant.
  • Old Business:  The Member-Guest Chairman reported that we are now at 25 teams for the tournament with one team withdrawing on 1 June.  Financially, the tournament is on solid ground with equivalent of $6,400 in signs having been sold and all entry fees collected.
  • New Business:  None
  • Adjournment:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:42 PM.