Call to Order: President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM. All Board members were present except Dave Postlewaite who was out of town.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the April Board meeting having been reviewed and approved by all Board members, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as written.
Treasurers Report: The financial report for April had been previously reviewed by board members and was approved. In discussing the details concerning the Carolina Interclub and Mountain Interclub events at Pebble Creek, it was pointed out that there was a surplus of $100+ for Carolina and a $300+ deficit for the Mountain Interclub. The Board had previously approved enhancing the meal for the Mountain Interclub to make it comparable with that offered at the other clubs, however some of the deficit was due to a head count problem. The Clubhouse Grille requires three day advance notice and was given a number 10 more than attendees that paid for the interclub event. The Board discussed this with Trish Ballentine who explained that for special meals (Mt Interclub had three meats) she needed this time to order the food and had little flexibility for eleventh hour adjustment unless the items were on her regular menu. The final PCC interclub with Cummings Cove will serve hot dogs and hamburgers which Trish said would allow more flexibility as they are items on her normal fare. The Mt Interclub deficit problem was exacerbated because several complimentary meals were given to non-players and it was decided that this should not be done for future events unless it was part of the budget, such as for the Member-Guest Tournament.
Golf Chairman’s Report: Ron Teevan reported that Holly Tree is our next interclub and he currently has five players who have not paid.
Social Chairman’s Report: Dave Postlewaite was praised in his absence for organizing the black tee option which has been a popular addition for many Golden Boys. It was confirmed that black tees must be played from both courses once the decision is made to use them and a Golden Boy may not choose to play white tees from one course and black tees from the other on Monday, Wednesday and Friday play.
Dine A-Round Chairman’s Report: Curt Irish reported that the April dine a-round was a success with 60 attending the meal at the Club House Grille which provided an excellent menu and service. Justin’s is scheduled for May but it was pointed out that the restaurant may be closing so Curt will change the venue if this is the case.
Old Business: The Member-Guest Chairman reported that we are on schedule in the planning and execution process for this year’s event but that currently there are only 24 teams signed up with probability of two more being added. Several have dropped out since the original sign up. There was discussion as to why attendance has dropped off from previous years with several theories. It was decided to take a general survey of all Golden Boys to try and determine how attendance can be enhanced for future events.
New Business: None
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.