Minutes, Golden Boys Board Meeting–Friday, April 9, 2010

Call to order:
President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.  All board members were present except Gene Witherspoon.
2010 Christmas Party Update:
Joe Fenwick provided a detailed report on his planning activities for the Christmas party and recommended to the board that the party be held at the Hilton Hotel.  Joe presented a copy of the contract that has been drawn up with the Hilton Hotel.  After a review of the contract by the board members present it was the consensus that we follow Joe’s recommendation.
2010 GB Picnic Update:
Curt Irish reported on behalf of Mike Toskey, Picnic Chairman that two adjacent picnic shelters at Paris Mountain have been reserved. The shelters will comfortably accommodate our group and will also have areas available for the usual outdoor games (i.e. bocce ball, horseshoes, cowboy golf, etc).  A food vendor has not yet been chosen and both Pebble Creek Pizza and The Clubhouse Grille will be offered an opportunity to bid on the service.  During the board meeting The Clubhouse Grille provided a sampler plate of their BBQ sandwiches for the board members to taste.
Secretary’s report:
In the absence of the Secretary the Minutes of the March 2010 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
The April financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  It showed total uncommitted funds of $8,432.95.  Bob Arnold reported that the “missing” $25 in dues was found and that it was an error made by one of the GBs who thought they had written the check, but in fact had not.  The GBs currently have 100 golf members and 15 social members.
Golf Chairman’s report:
Ron Teevan, Golf Chairman reported that he has a full field scheduled for the Carolina Interclub to be contested at PC on Tuesday, April 13th.  There are 38 foursomes scheduled to play and a final count for the food service will be provided to The Clubhouse Grille by Sunday.  Ron and Dave will be moving up the white tee markers Monday evening so that the length of the course will be within 5,900 yards.  The pro shop staff will be marking Ground Under Repair (GUR) areas as well as Out of Bounds (OB) areas on Monday.  Conde Sargent will be providing the technical assistance required for the tournament.
Ron also reported that the invitations for the Mountain Interclub scheduled for April 22nd have been sent out.
Social Chairman’s Report:
Dave Postlewaite reported that the presentation by the Physical Therapists on Wednesday, April 7th went well.  Dave is looking into setting up a trip to a Greenville Drive baseball game for the GBs in July.
Dine Around Chairman’s report:
Curt Irish reported that 101 people attended the March Dine A Round at Stax Peppermill and that everyone seemed pleased with the meals, drinks, etc.  The April Dine A Round is scheduled for Tuesday, April 27th at the Clubhouse Grille.  Curt will be getting the menu for that Dine A Round on Monday and will be sending out reservation information at that time.
Old Business:
The black tee markers are now permanently in place and have been rated and  GB handicaps are available on the computer.  Dave will draft rules defining the use of the black tees and make them available by Monday April 12th.  The Board continued discussion on purchasing a new PA system for use at large meetings, interclubs, the GB picnic, etc.  Jim will check on getting one in time for the interclub scheduled for April 13th.
There was discussion of spending some of the surplus money on a new bulletin board and an American flag for the flag pole by the driving range.  Ron recommended, and the board agreed, that we not spend any additional surplus money until the Mountain Interclub scheduled for the 22nd is completed since that event may require additional funding by the GBs.
New Business:
No new business reported.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.