Golden Boys Board Meeting Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010

  • Call to order:   President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM.  All board members were initially present except Curt Irish who joined at 2:35 PM.
  • Secretary’s report:  Minutes of the January 6 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were reviewed and approved.
  • Treasurer’s report:  January financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  The Treasurer reported circumstances of a $50 loss for January Dine A-Round and the Board discussed measures to preclude recurrence.
  • Golf Chairman’s report:
    • The Golf Chairman reported that all interclub assignments have been made and results will be given to Golden Boys at and after the Annual Meeting.  The Thornblade interclub field is established for 23 February which occurs before the Annual Meeting.  Etowah dropped out of the home and home circuit so matches with that club have been discontinued.  Everyone got either their 1st or 2nd choice.
    • Volunteers have been solicited for most monthly captain assignments.
  • Dine Around Chairman’s report:  Although he was out of the state at the time, Curt Irish reported that the January dine a-round, managed by Larry Clee, had a large turnout and good reports on the dinner.  Because of the Thornblade interclub on Tuesday, 23 February, the dine a-around this month will be on Monday, 22 February at the Flounder Bar and Grill in Greer.  So far there is a light response but Curt will make a push for more people to attend.
  • Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he has given revised new member packets to several new members.  He is exploring with the Club House Grille the possibility of a wine and cheese tasting party in July since there is no dine a-round that month.  With a view to possible use by Golden Boys, he also has arranged a briefing session for all interested Golden Boys with a physical therapist who specializes in exercises to help “older” golfers improve muscle tone and agility for play.  Lance Owens of Sports Spine Industries and Jonathon Seymour will be available after golf on 7 April.  Dave will give further details at the annual meeting.
  • Old Business:
    • Budget Surplus:  Concerning the budget surplus and in addition to the strategy of gradual reduction by subsidizing Golden Boys events, the Board decided to solicit ideas from the general membership along  with the email reminder concerning the annual meeting.
    • Member-Guest Tournament: Chairman Witherspoon briefed the board on the Member-Guest Committee meeting of 10 February and reported that the committee is on track with planning for the 7-9 June tournament.
    • Black Tees:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he and Chuck Hite had placed permanent black markers at all proposed revised black tee locations and the owner has painted 36 all-black wooden movable markers.  Course distances for new black tee locations are approximately 5,500 yards for Linkside and a bit less than 5,300 for Creekside.  The owner will have the new black tee distances rated and then we will be good to go.  When rating is complete, the Golden Boys will no longer use red tees.
    • Food Service Support:  Jim Cadieu, Gene Witherspoon, Ron Teevan, Curt Irish and Dave Postlewaite met on 16 February with Trish Ballentine, co-owner of the Club House Grille, to negotiate all Golden Boys’ food service menus and prices for 2010.  She gave us a 10% discount on regular menu prices.
  • New Business:
    • Priority for Interclub Events:  The Board approved a recommendation from the Golf Chairman that would encourage Golden Boys to volunteer for and, when selected, participate in PCC hosted interclub events.  This incentive program will be included in Golden Boys rules revisions concerning interclub events selections and be briefed at the Annual Meeting.
    • Requirement for participation in Golden Boys Championship and Match Play Tournaments:  The assistant Golf Chairman proposed a change approved by the Board to modify the Golden Boys rules to require that, except for new members, Golden Boys must have participated in at least 10 regular Monday, Wednesday, or Friday rounds of golf in the preceding year in order to participate in the Championship and/or Match Play Tournaments.
    • Annual Meeting:  President Cadieu reviewed the proposed agenda for the 3 March annual meeting and it was approved by the Board.  He invited the owner, Lyn Young, and golf pro, Bradley Hughes to attend and speak and they accepted.
  • Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.