Golden Boys Board Meeting, Wednesday, 6 January, 2010

· Call to order:   President Cadieu called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.  All board members were present except Curt Irish.
 Secretary’s report:  Minutes of the December 09 Board meeting having been reviewed and posted on the web site were approved.
 Treasurer’s report:  December financial report that had been previously forwarded to the Board members was approved.  It showed an uncommitted reserve of $5,857.95 at the end of 2009, pertinent to old business discussed below.
 Golf Chairman’s report:
       The Golf Chairman reported that all interclub dates had been confirmed except for final approval of a couple of matches at Pebble Creek.  The Carolina Interclub raised the price from $35 to $40 for 2010, primarily because of food costs.  The Thornblade interclub will be held in February because their greens will be reconstructed shortly after the BMW tournament.  Because of this early start, it will not be included on the selection sheet and will instead be filled by sign up sheet to be posted on the bulletin board.
       Volunteers have been solicited for most monthly captain assignments.  The Golf Chairman will work to fill the few remaining slots but January and February are covered.
 Dine Around Chairman’s report:  Jim Cadieu reported for Curt Irish that most dine a-round dates have been matched with venues and we will stick with the normal $25 per person cost in 2010.  With help from Larry Clee, he and Curt negotiated an excellent menu with the Commerce Club where our first dine a-round will be held on 26 January.  We will have dinners at the Club House Grille in April and October, 2010.
 Social Chairman’s Report:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he is in the process of further defining his duties.  He is exploring the possibility of a wine and cheese tasting party.  He also recommended and the Board agreed to consider setting up a voluntary, free orientation session with a physical therapist Dave has been using who specializes in exercises to help “older” golfers improve muscle tone and agility for play.
 Old Business:  The Board continued discussion on how to deal with a treasury surplus (available uncommitted funds) that has increased steadily over the past four years at the rate of about $1,000 per year.  This surplus is the result of increased membership and continued cost control of events.  At the end of 2009, the surplus was more than $5,800 as indicated in the Treasurer’s report above.  The Board agreed that all who contributed to the surplus through dues payment should be allowed to benefit from any action to reduce its size.  The Board decided to pursue the following course of action:
       Set an eventual goal of $1,000 as a year-end surplus.
       Reduce the surplus gradually over several years.
       Begin whittling down the surplus this year by providing additional subsidies for the annual meeting breakfast and Christmas Party.
 New Business:
       Annual Meeting:  As set at last Board meeting, the annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 at the Club House Grille (breakfast 7:30, meeting about 8:15.)  Breakfast will be free!  Notification to members will be by email for all but the few who do not have it and the Secretary will send theirs by regular mail.
  Annual dues for regular members will remain at $25.  Social members’ dues will remain at $10.  The Treasurer will get out the word by email and Secretary will notify others by regular mail.
  Current ACE Club members will not pay any new membership fees in 2010.  New ACE Club members will pay $15 to join and receive hole-in-one insurance.  Payout remains $120 for each hole-in-one during Golden Boys competition.
  Except for a couple of event assistants and nailing down dates for two interclub events at Pebble Creek, all information for the 2010 calendar is set.
 The directory will be finalized by the Publicity Chairman once membership roster(s) are finalized about 1 April.  Other required new information includes rules adjustments (already provided) and the calendar of events soon to be finalized.
 The Golf Chairman will get out interclub selection sheets by email with return in time for handout of results at the Annual Meeting.  The Secretary will send selection sheets by regular mail to those without email.
       Member-Guest Tournament:  Chairman Witherspoon reported that dates are set and committee is formed for the event.  He reviewed a 36 step process for planning and execution of the event, the first five of which have been completed.  The committee will meet in early February to prepare a briefing for the membership to be conducted at the annual meeting.
       Black Tees:  Dave Postlewaite reported that he had done some initial coordination with the PCC owner to explore possibility of establishing separate black (forward) tees.  Lyn Young is amenable and would fund such an effort.  Essentially, it would result in rated black tees completely separate from the white tees and allow us to end use of red tees.  The Board agreed to support such an effort and asked Dave to explore it further and report back to the Board with more detailed information.
       Meal cost negotiations:  Beginning with the annual meeting breakfast, the Golden Boys will utilize the Club House Grille for food service for several events throughout the year.  It was decided to have the President, Member-Guest Chairman and Golf Chairman meet as a group to discuss/negotiate cost for all upcoming food service requirements before the annual meeting.  The meeting is set for 10 AM on 8 January, 2010.
 Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.