Golden Boys Board Meeting December 7, 2005

Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. with all board members present except Larry Freehauf (out of town), including the two newly elected members, Allen Auvil and Tom Zix.

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as presented. No additions or changes were made to the minutes.

Dan Coviello covered the latest treasurers report. The ending balance as of November 30, 2005 is $5,029.25. Dan suggests that the $2,000 CD be cashed in and the funds moved into the checking account to help offset the upcoming expenses of this years Christmas Party. The board voted to approve Dan’s motion.

Doug Bond recommended that the board make an effort to refund some of the out of pocket expenses Marty Zernick has incurred with the inter-club activities. The board agreed with Doug’s motion — Al Valenti will meet with Marty to try to get him to accept repayment.

The board wishes to thank Wendell Alderman for his work organizing the Christmas party: 135 in attendance, entrees have been chosen, seating assignments made and plans for Thursday afternoon setup covered.

Conde Sargent attended the meeting to cover the Mountain inter-club program for 2006. The Pebble Creek date will be May 16, 2006. Other club dates will be determined at a later date. Pebble Creek, Glen Cannon and Hendersonville agree with a $40.00 fee for the tournaments. Kenmure, which originally suggested the fee be raised to $45.00 for
each event, is determined to hold to that price.

The board wishes to express it’s thanks and appreciation to George Baker and Doug Bond for their three years of service to the Golden Boys cause. George served as President and Vice President as well as running some of our tournaments. Doug served as Dine-Around chairman for two years and this past year served as Golf chairman.

The new board will be made up as follows:
Al Valenti   President
Dan Coviello   Vice President and Treasurer
Larry Freehauf   Social Chairman
Tom Zix Golf Chairman
Allen Auvil  Dine-Around Chairman
Mack Whitley Secretary

The board agreed to delay the January meeting to the second Wednesday in the month.

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Mack Whitley Secretary