Golden Boys Board Meeting August 3, 2005

Meeting called to order at 2:10 p.m. with all members present except Larry Freehauf,

who was out of town.

Bob Siddens was invited to attend the meeting. Bob gave an update on the re-scheduled

Golden Boys 2-day Championship Tournament. The new dates for the event are Wednesday

September 7th for the first round and Wednesday September 14th for the second round.

The $20 entry fee includes prizes, snacks and beverages, on the day of the second round.

Sign up with either Bob Siddens or Tom Zix by Monday September 5th.

Minutes of the June meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s report for the past two months (no meeting held in July) was given by Dan

Coviello. The report showed a balance of $5,039.12 as of 6/30/2005. The July bank

balance stands at $3,619.82 as of 7/31/2005.
–Dan gave a Member/Guest expense summary for the 2005 tournament — showing

total income at $20,643.00 with expenses of $21,161.12 ($518.12 in the red).
–Dan also gave the board information on the two CD purchases (approved by the board

at the June meeting). As of 6/22/2005, we own the following:

1) $2,000 CD @ 3.35% for 6 months

2) $3,000 CD @ 3.75% for 1 year

These items were purchased through Edwards Jones with Jack Coggins as our

account representative.

A discussion about the hole-in-one program followed the treasurers report.

The Board recommends a $15.00 hole-in-one fee be paid at the beginning of the year

by those who wish to participate in the fund. The Board recommends a payout of

$120.00 for each hole-in-one scored. Any member joining the program during the

year would be required to pay the $15.00 fee.

Doug Bond announced the next two interclub events would be held at Carolina

Country Club on August 9th and at Hendersonville Country Club on August 19th.

Al Valenti reports the next Dine-Around date will be August 30th at Caesars and

the last date for 2005 will be October 25th with a restaurant to be determined.

The Annual picnic will be held on September 15th at Buckhorn Lodge.

No new information announced on the Christmas Party.

Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

Mack Whitley, Secretary