1. June 15 Meeting was called to order at 2:15 by President George Baker. All Board members present except Mack Whitley. Chuck Hite attended most of the meeting as financial advisor to the Board.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
3. Treasurer’s report by Dan Coviello was approved.
4. Discussion held on potential ways of funding Hole-in One Club, decision tabled until next meeting
5. Discussion regarding investing a portion of our liquid assets in a CD as a means to earn additional cash. Decision made for Dan to invest $5,000 for 1-year in a CD. Financial institution to be determined by Dan based on competitive interest rates and security of principal investment.
6. Larry Freehauf discussed postponement of Match Play Championship until after Labor Day due to low participation in June. He will advise of dates selected at future meeting.
7. Doug Bond stated that Pebble Creek will be closed to Golden Boys on Sept 26th and Oct 24th. He and Dan will investigate possible outings at Cateechi and Southern Oaks and advise at future meeting.
8. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30.