Golden Boys Board Meeting May 4, 2005

May 4, 2005 — The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. with all members present except Al Valenti who was out of town. Conde Sargent and Chuck Hite were asked, by George Baker, to continue to attend in an advisory role.

The minutes of the last meeting were accepted without being read, however, a copy of the April minutes were made available to Doug Bond who failed to receive his copy due to an oversight on the part of the secretary.

The treasurers report was delivered by Dan Coviello — the April 30, 2005 balance was $26,293.83 — of which $22,556.64 are committed funds leaving a net funds available balance of $3,737.19. Dan reports that as of today

there are a total of 90 dues paid members. Chuck Hite suggested that the board should hold off committing to a CD

investment until after the Member/Guest Tournament is completed and the final bills are in.

Doug Bond reported that the LGA/Golden Boys tournament was cancelled. Dick Davis informed Doug that the Member/Guest Tournament plans are on schedule. Seventy five percent of the signs have been sold and that the

tournament will be played from the white tees.

Larry Freehauf has asked Conde Sargent and Dan Coviello to handle the match play tournament the first week since he will be away.George Baker stated that the board wanted to congratulate Doug on the recently held inter-club tournament at Pebble Creek. As Doug stated,the weather was great, the participation was outstanding, (only one no-show) and a slight profit might be realized when bills are added up. All in all a great day for golf. GOOD JOB DOUG.

Larry Freehauf reported 58 members and guests enjoyed the last dine around outing. The next planned date will be June 28 at Portofinos Itialian restaurant. Nothing new to report on the annual picnic. Wendell Alderman has confirmed the reservation for the Christmas Party other than that nothing new to report.

The question of starting groups on par threes was again discussed and the feeling of the board is that it would not be practical to skip the par three holes as starting holes.

George Baker stated the the course has been re-rated and the black tees now have a rating. New score cards are expected to be available within the next few weeks.

The meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m.

–Mack Whitley Secretary