Golden Boys Board Meeting April 6, 2005– The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. with all board members present. Conde Sargent was on hand to give the golf chairman’s report in the event Doug Bond could not make the meeting (Doug had a prior commitment but planned to attend as soon as possible).
The first order of business was a briefing by Dick Davis regarding the up coming member-guest tournament. Dick expects to have no more than 46 teams in the field. Total income from entry fees and sign sales would amount to$19,000. Projected expenses for the tournament would come to $19,743. The deadline for team payments was set for April 10, 2005. The festivities will include a cocktail party at Rene’s and a sit down dinner at Peppermill. In addition to these, breakfast, tee-gifts, box lunches and prize money for 1st – 2nd -3rd places. Dick has recruited the help of Lynn Bogniard to handle the ladies tournament. George Baker thanked Dick for his outstanding effort in planning this year’s tournament.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved without reading.
Treasurers report was presented by Dan Coviello. As of March 31, 2005 a balance of $11,079.70 was shown. Total committed funds amounted to $7,734.02 leaving a balance of net funds available of $3,463.66. The report was accepted as presented.
Doug Bond gave the Golf Chairman’s report. The Carolina Seniors inter-club is the next event on the schedule to be played on the Linkside course at Pebble Creek. This will be followed by two outings in May: May 10 at Holly Tree and May 19 at Pebble Creek Linkside (Mountain Inter-club). Match Play Director Larry Freehauf announced that this year’s Match-Play tournament matches will be played from the white tees.
Social Chairman’s report was given by Al Valenti. The next outing will be held at Khaki’s Restaurant on East North Street. Proposed future sites will be Caesar’s and Pebble Creek. The plans for the annual picnic and the Christmas party are in the works.
Under new business — a recommendation concerning the Monday prize winners money be played to the team members as opposed to giving it to the pro shop. This recommendation was passed without opposition.
The recommendation for the establishing a Pebble Creek Employees Christmas Fund was tabled, after some discussion, to a later date.
Larry Freehauf was requested to ask the board to review the practice of allowing “mulligan” shots when starting play on par 3 holes.
Dan Coviello has been authorized to look into the purchase of a CD with some of the excess funds available.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. –Mack Whitley, Secretary