The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. All board members were present except Chuck Hite and Doug Bond. Chuck was out of town due to illness in his family and Doug had relatives visiting. Both were excused from the meeting.
The minutes of the last board meeting were accepted as presented.
Board members present agreed to delay the presentation of the treasurers report until Chuck returns.
Al Valenti reported that the Dine Around schedule has been confirmed for the balance of 2004. The remaining dates are: April 27th Rene’s Fishmarket, June 29th Khaki’s, August 31st Commerce Club, October 26th Pebble Creek Country Club. Doug Bond and Al Valenti have done a first class job with the Dine Around program this year.
Al Valenti stated that the Pebble Creek date will be held, however, he and Doug will reconfirm the date with the new chef when he comes on board.
Social chairman reports that the LGA/Golden Boys golf outing will be held April 30. Mack Whitley is supposed to head up this event for the Golden Boys — but Mack is scheduled to work the BMW tournament on this date. An effort will be made to exchange dates with the LGA.
Golf chairman reported that the next interclub date should be filled this week. The golf course should be in top shape. The member/guest tournament is progressing slowly — mainly due to Chuck having to be out of town and to Dick Davis being injured — there is still work to be done. Conde Sargent has done an outstanding job with the interclub assignments and other tournaments on the schedule.
George Baker suggested that we consider naming the Golden Boys Golf Championship trophy in honor of the late Dr. John Parris. While all who were present agreed with this thought, it was decided to wait until all board members were present and the vote taken.
The board was asked to start considering candidates for the Distinguished Service Award for 2004.
No additional business was brought up.
Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Mack Whitley, Secretary