Golden Boys Board Meeting, December 3, 2003

Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on December 3, 2003. All members present except Bill Carithers who was excused. In addition to the 2003 board members, the two newly elected members (Al Valenti and Mack Whitley) were
also in attendance.

Minutes from the meeting held on November 5, 2003 were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was passed out. Net funds available as of November 30, 2003: $4245.54. George Baker made a motion that the report be approved and accepted as presented. Conde Sargent seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Social Chairman’s report was given by George Baker. Mr. Baker requested an up to date report from the Christmas Party co-chairmen (Al Valenti and Mack Whitley). The plans for the party have been finalized: space at Rene’s Steak House reserved, menu confirmed, invitations mailed (with help from Mary Valenti), response has been very good — with a few days left before the deadline of 12-05-2003. A few of the members chose steak rare, medium, etc. — these choices will not be available. Al Valenti will contact those with these requests to see if they would like to change their choice of entree. Don Stewart has agreed to return thanks for our food and to remember those who have passed away during the past year. Jim Pearson volunteered serve as official greeter and pass out name tags. Larry Freehauf will make the name tags and Conde Sargent will make the place setting tags.
It was agreed that our club pro and his wife along with the new club manager would be invited. Seating arrangements will be made on Monday 12-08-2003. Golden Boys charter members will be recognized at some point during the evening.

Golf Chairman Conde Sargent stated that the Carolina Seniors interclub schedule and the Mountain Interclub schedule has been set as reported at the November meeting. No changes were reported to either format.

Doug Bond reported good feed back on the questionnaire mailed out with the ballots for election of new board members. Under Doug’s leadership, 2004 Dine Around schedule should turn out to be very successful. The dates will continue to be scheduled for the last tuesday of the month. The membership will be notified of the upcoming schedule as soon as dates are decided on.

Old Business. Nothing was brought to the board’s attention.

New Business. Conde Sargent made a motion expressing appreciation for the service rendered by the outgoing board members. George Baker seconded the motion. It passed without opposition.

Conde Sargent was elected president of the board for 2004. Other officers/chairman positions were appointed by the new president:
Vice-Pres. George Baker
Treasurer Chuck Hite
Secretary Mack Whitley
Social Chairman Al Valenti
Dine Around Chairman Doug Bond

In the recent election for two new board members, 72 ballots were cast with Al Valenti and Mack Whitley being elected to three- year terms.

The board will continue to meet the 1st Wednesday of each month unless the board members agree on an alternate date.

George Baker made a motion that a plaque to honor members going off the board at the end of their terms be presented at the Christmas party. Doug Bond seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Doug Bond feels that the Golden Boys should be included in the event that the club formed a Members Relations Committee to address any concerns and/or criticisms the membership might have with the club, golf course or club management. This position was received favorably by the entire board.

George Baker suggested that the board look into getting more members involved in running the Monday and Friday games.

A copy of the proposed 2004 Golden Boys annual calendar was passed out.

A tentative date of March 3, 2004 was set for the annual meeting.

Conde Sargent made the following appointments:

Dick Davis Member/Guest Tournament Director
Conde Sargent Golf Chairman/Match Play Tournament Director
Mack Whitley Golden Boys/LGA Tournament Coordinator
George Baker Golden Boys Championship Tournament Director.
Al Valenti Golden Boys-MGA Mixer Coordinator

The proposed bylaws revisions and changes to be considered at the January meeting.

George Baker moved to adjourn with a second by Al Valenti. Meeting adjourned at 4:50P.M.

Mack Whitley, Secretary