Golden Boys Board Meeting August 6, 2003

Meeting of the Golden Boys board of directors was held at Pebble Creek Club on August 6, 2003, at 2:30 PM. Members present: Bill Morrow, George Baker, Conde Sargent, Doug Bond, Chuck Hite. Bill Carithers was excused.

Minutes from meeting held on July 9, 2003 were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was given by Hite. Net Funds available is $3376.25. Motion by Baker and seconded by Doug Bond to approve the report was approved unanimously.

Picnic Chairman Dan Coviello presented details of the Sept. 18 event, including $10 per person for Golden Boys and spouses/special friend, $13.00 per person for guests, all payable to Treasurer Chuck Hite by September 10; picnic starting time at 3 p.m., Bocci Ball Tournament at 3:30 pm ($1 entry fee), dinner at 6:00 p.m. Information scheduled for the bulletin board and on the website. Signs to be in place along the route to guide picnickers. Maps to the lodge are to be available on the bulletin board and the website.

Discussion took place over how to keep records on the increasing number of cart breakdowns. It was reported on August 6, five carts had to be replaced. Chuck Hite will maintain the records.

Golf Chairman Conde Sargent reported that Dan Coviello won the 2003 match play tournament, defeating Carlisle Rogers in the finals. Flight champions were John Parris, Bob Capps, Coviello and Rogers. The board approved plans for the 2003 Golden Boys Championship tournament Aug. 27-29, including a $20 entry fee that will be used for prizes and refreshments on the final day.

Social Chairman George Baker reported co-chairs for the Dec. 11 Christmas Party at Rene’s Steakhouse are Al Valenti and Mac Whitley. Cocktails will start at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 6:45 p.m. It was determined that Marty Zernick would be asked to meet with Rene’s to firm up the details for the dinner.

Dine A Round Chairman Doug Bond announced reservations are started for the Aug. 26 event at the City Club. He said City Club managers will require all at the dinner to have a nametag that will also show their entree choice, to assist servers.

Chuck Hite reported on the findings of a bylaws proposal committee composed of Hite, Baker and Sargent. Discussion took place on a Social Membership plan, an Honorary Membership plan and a new Distinguished Service Award.

It was moved by Sargent, seconded by Bond, and unanimously approved that the next annual meeting will have a proposed bylaw change prepared according to the bylaw requirements as follows:

Add the following under Article III, Membership and Dues: Section III. SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP– A member of the Golden Boys organization who is physically and permanently unable to participate fully in golf activities may elect to become a social member. Social members will be eligible to participate in any social event sponsored by the Golden Boys Organization. Social members will continue to pay annual dues, but will not be required to maintain membership in Pebble Creek Club. Additionally, social members shall not be counted when determining a quorum at meetings and will be ineligible to vote.

Bill Morrow made a motion to drop the honorary membership idea and initiate a Distinguished Service Award, details of which will be presented and acted on in a future board meeting. Seconded by Baker. Approved unanimously.

The next meeting scheduled September 3 after golf. It was moved to adjourn by Baker, seconded by Bond and approved. Meeting ended at 4 p.m.

Conde Sargent
Acting in the absence of the secretary