Golden Boys Annual Meeting 2003

The Annual Meeting was held at the Pebble Creek Club on March 5, 2003 at 7:30 AM. Meeting Called to order by President Bill Morrow. 59 Members were present and 55 ate Breakfast.

A moment of silence was observed for 3 of our departed Golden Boys that passed away this year. Bill Bates, Carlyle McKaughan, and Bill Elliott.  Carlyle was a Charter Member, Past President and also the founder of our Annual Picnic.

The following new members were recognized that have joined during this past year. Bill Carter, Allan Auvil, Allen Caudel, Bill Higgins, Ronald Tecza, Dan Malone, Rene Rott, Lynn Damske, Rocky Robinson, Bob Cummins, and Stanley Stake.

Secretary Bill Carithers read the Minutes from the Annual Meeting held on March 13, 2002. Motion to accept as read made by Len Toole, seconded by Conde Sargent. Approved.

Golf Chairman Conde Sargent gave his report, focusing on the following golf issues.

1. Starting April 1, once a week, a free cart round will be given to a Golden Boys player, exact procedure to be discussed and approved by the Board.
2. A mixer with the Men’s Golf Association is being negotiated and will be announced when details are firm.
3. The annual Match Play Tournament will have an added feature. The first round losers will play an individual low net tournament with prizes for winners as a part of a regular Wednesday Golden Boys game.
4. In the assignment of players to the Interclub Tournaments, it was noted that every eligible player submitting a preference sheet received either his first or second choice. Again Thornblade was the No. 1 choice leader. Thirty players who didn’t play in that tournament last year put it down no 1. (only 18 got invited.)

Dine Around report was given by Doug Bond. We have had 2 Dine Around so far this year with 76 attending the Brick Street Café, and 54 attending Peter David’s. The Dine Arounds will be held the last Tuesday of each Month. Several Months will be skipped due to other Golden Boys Activities.

Dick Davis gave a report on the Golden Boy Member / Guest Tournament to be held on June 3, and 4, 2003. This is our 8th annual tournament. 3 days for $300.00 per 2 player team. Both courses will be played. 90 percent of your handicap will be used.

Treasures report given by Chuck Hite. Net funds available $974.90. Chuck stated that you must pay 10 days in advance to secure your spot in all interclubs. He also requested advance payments for all Dine Arounds to relieve the burden on the Dine Around Chairman at the dinner.

George Baker gave the Social Report. Discussed ways the Golden Boys could have Family participation. Herm George discussed from the floor about a trip out of town.

Old  Business:  NONE

New Business:  Motion made by Chuck Hite and seconded by Dick Davis for the Annual Dues to remain at $25.00 for this year. This motion was approved by the entire membership present.

Motion made by Bill Carithers that we adjourn and seconded by George Baker. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.

Bill Carithers