Golden Boys Board Meeting January 8, 2003

Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on January 8, 2003, at 3:00 PM. President Bill Morrow called the meeting to order. All present except Bill Carithers, who was excused.

Minutes of the December 4, 2002 meeting were unanimously approved as presented.

Chuck Hite gave the treasurer’s report. Net funds available $974.90. Motion to accept as presented unanimously approved.

Golf Chairman Conde Sargent presented the 2003 interclub tournament schedule. Motion by George Baker, seconded by Chuck Hite, to approve the recommended $32 (including lunch) and $30 (no lunch) costs for the various tournaments. Unanimously approved. It was determined the interclub information, including preference forms, would be included in the mailing to the membership about the annual meeting.

A Golden Boys schedule of activities, including golf and social events, was discussed and approved for distribution on the Bulletin Board, on the website and to members at a later date.

President Morrow announced the Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, March 5, with breakfast at 7:30 AM and the meeting at 8:30 AM. Motion by Chuck Hite, seconded by Conde Sargent, that members would pay $5.00 for their breakfast and the treasury would subsidize cost beyond that. Unanimously approved.

President Morrow and Bill Carithers are develop the annual meeting agenda and mailing, to be available at golf on February 11 & 13 and then mailed to those not playing those days.

Social Chairman George Baker led a discussion about additional activities by the association beyond regular golf, Dine-A-Rounds, Picnic and Christmas Party. It was determined the topic will be part of his presentation at the annual meeting.

Dine-A-Round Chairman Doug Bond said he hopes that the dinner series continues to the a major Golden Boy activity and may include a questionnaire for future evaluations. The 2003 contact plan is in place, with the following volunteer monthly callers: Wendell Alderman, Les Burns, Ralph Bell, Dan Coviello, Don Dietz, Larry Freehauf, Jim Griffin, Tony Palmigiano, Alan Valenti, Guy Wellman, Mack Whitley. The board acknowledged their vital contribution to the dine-out series.

The first dinner is Jan. 28 at the Brick Street Café. Discussions are underway with other establishments for future dinners, including Peter Davids, City Range, Farmhouse Grill, Rene’s Fish House, Stax Grill and Pebble Creek.

Motion made by George Baker to adjourn and seconded by Chuck Hite, unanimously passing. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.

Next meeting February 5, 2003.
Conde Sargent, Acting for the Secretary