Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on November 6, 2002 at 2:35 PM. All members present. President Bob Siddens called the meeting to order. Secretary read the minutes of meeting held on October 9, 2002. Minutes approved as read.
Chuck Hite gave the Treasurers report. Net funds available $3358.42. Discussed Christmas Party. Voted to extend an invitation to Mrs. Bates. Marty Zernick will handle this. We will also extend invitations to the Club General Manager Mr. Rich Riffle and his Wife, Head Golf Professional Randy Hawkins and his Wifem Ass’t Golf Professional JR Holland and his Lady Friend. Motion carried to invite these individuals.
Golf Chairman Conde Sargent gave this report: Conde stated that 70 players, played at least once this year in our interclubs.
Bill Morrow gave the Dine Around Report. 76 Members showed up for the last Dine Around held here at the Club. Good time had by all. Bill stated that we averaged 66 Members at the Dine Arounds this year.
Bill Morrow made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marty Zernick. Adjourned at 3:46 PM November 6, 2002.
Bill Carithers Secretary