Meeting held at Pebble Creek Club on September 4, 2002, at 2:00 PM. All present except Conde Sargent. Conde was excused.
President Bob Siddens called the meeting to order. Secretary read the minutes of the meeting held on August 7, 2002. Approved as read.
Treasures Report given by Chuck Hite. Net funds available $3845.87.
Bill Morrow stated that the October Dine Around would be held at the Pebble Creek Club in October. Still finalizing the menu, prices, and date. He also stated we have averaged 65 for our Dine Arounds this year. Dan Coviello, the Christmas Party Chairman for this year sat in on the meeting.
Golf Chairman’s Report:
–Golden Boys Championship Tournament August 14-15. Winners: Low Gross–John Parris, Low Net–George Baker, Flight A–Jim Million, Flight B–Don Stewart, Flight C–Bill Carithers, Flight D–Bill Bates. Field was 42, slightly down from recent years. Need to think about an October date in the future, to beat the heat and perhaps give consideration to a Wednesday-Friday setup, rather than back-to-back days. Preferences could be sought from the membership in a golf survey before calendar making time.
–Pebble Creek part of Etowah Valley home-and-home was approved by the club as presented for the Sept. 10 outing.
–The second LGA Mixer must be changed again. It was moved from its first date because the county women’s tournament was a conflict for the LGA. The Sept. 30 date is out because an outing utilizing all 36 holes has been scheduled at the club on that day. Whether this mixer will be played will be left entirely up to the LGA.
–Word has been very positive at the conclusion of our First Mountain Interclub with Glen Cannon, Kenmure and Hendersonville. They’ve been told we’re ready to sign a “multi-year” contract when the time comes to plan for another year. Fox Run and Greenville CC remain on the Carolina Seniors
According to the September 1 Wednesday Play statistics, the Golden Boys accounted for just short of 2400 Wednesday rounds at the club in the previous 12 months. That’s just the numbers for Wednesdays.
New Business: None
Motion made to adjourn by Bill Carithers, seconded by Chuck Hite. Approved. Adjourned at 3:50 PM.